I swear to god, Naruto, if you keep up with this I will beat you to a pulp. Then I'll Heal you, and do it again.
I. Do. Not. Like. Al. So. There. Look, I even put it out in the public forum! You think I'd be willing to set myself up for public humiliation like that if it wasn't true!?
Also, he doesn't like me. So quite bugging him about it. Right now
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[Private to Sakura]
Rumours about Al, huh? Need to talk about it, or shal I just arch my eyebrow and comment about too much protesting?
[Private to Ino]
[Prive to Sakura]
Damn, Forehead, that was dramatic. I mean, its not like it'd be the worst thing ever, Al is adorable. Whatever, Naruto is an idiot anyway. Need to talk about it? We could play "How to kill Naruto," if you like.
What. The. Hell. I've been working for years so that those stupid idiots won't leave me behind, and now Naruto's all 'You're not strong enough!' 'You're too precious!' and Al better have the freaking password!
If you do decide to murder him, let me know. I promise, I'll help you hide the body and everything. Really though, harassing Al? Mor. Ron.
Naruto has no idea what he's talking about. You're way more badass than he is. Hell, you've at least had girls hit on you, which is more than he can say.
Seriously though, you don't need to prove that you're better than them. It's obvious.
((OOC: Wow, sorry about the double post. My typing has gone to hell today, apparently.))
That's true friendship though, right there. I'm going to have to take you up on that offer.
It's not about being better, it's about...I don't even know how to explain it. But we're all drifting apart, and I seem to be the only one who's trying to keep us all together. I hate this.
So you need to prove you aren't weak so they stick around? Sakura, that is messed up. Wait, it's worse then messed up, it's fucked up!
If they aren't trying to keep your friendship alive, they don't deserve it. Can I kick them?
Naruto doesn't need me anymore as much now. And who knows what's going on with Sasuke - he apologised to me, you know. For 'everything'.
Well. Fine, I'm not the best example of "good friend," but they've been jerking you around.
He did?
About fucking time. Dick.
You're a great friend. Shut up.
What the hell is everything!? I asked him that, and he clarified, but...it was weird. Sasuke never apologises.
So are you! I win.
Yeah. Well. Everything is everything. At least he apologised after that shit
Nuh uh.
Oh, so he's sorry for being my friend?
Anyway, I know you made him. You can be pretty scary when you want to be, you know that?
Oh, pfft, now you're being dramatic. He's just apologising for being a dick when you were always there for him and making you feel like crap.
You know. That kind of thing.
I'm not scary, I'm a cuddly kitten. If I did scare him, though, he totally deserved it.
Well, you were hardly clear.
But - gah! I was there for him in spite of that! You just took away my One True Sacrifice, Ino!
He didn't make me feel like crap. I made me feel like crap. I didn't have to stick around, but I did. It was my choice.
You are so not a kitten. Tiger, maybe. And he's going through a hard time right now, don't be so harsh on him.
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