So, I'm bringing you music, but also, giving you the links to purchase it as well, because everyone of these bands is unsigned, and in the case of three of them, the albums are straight up homemade demos. So, if you like them, when you have a few extra bucks, buy something.
1) Play For Keeps
6 tracks. Seriously the fourth track is Miss Melissa, which I first heard acoustically, and I can't ever get it out of my head.
You buy it from them, $8. (AKA Cash's new band).
2) Summit Grove
Roots Demo. Number three is called Breathe On and is totally my jam. They're a local Vegas band, a touch religious. Very, very adorable. The lead singer took a little why to figure out that if he wants the audience to "have a turn" he needs to tell us what to do first. Right now, they don't have it online, but I got mine for $5, and they had all signed it. Very cute.
Check their myspace for updates 3) Yultron
LoveBox EP. Personally, I was outside for most of his set, and wasn't impressed, because it's not my type of music, that's not to say he's not talented. He's also a friend of Cash Money (who came on stage to rap looking like Where's Waldo, glasses and all).
You like it, you buy it, $5.
4) Three
Revisions. This band is a bit metal/rock/pop. I love the guitar work they do mostly. This album was released on MetalBlade, so they did have some backing, but it was the last record on their contract, and their new label already dropped them before they even had a chance to record. Currently unsigned, you can get their CD on iTunes for $10 by searching "Three Revisions" or in
physical form.