Dusts of the old LJ

Nov 25, 2009 18:06

So, hey!

I'm alive! Just been busy and only on the fringe of LiveJournal lately. Moving to a new city is hard work, y'all!

Everything's good here, finally. For the most part. I have money for food, so I consider that a win.

What I consider a lose is the state of my fic. Firstly, Singer broke my brain a little bit with a comment he made in a Stickam, and I really just haven't been able to get over it. Like, it's this little thing, but it struck me so deep that I've been having issues with... I don't even know what, but it is what it is.

I'm trying so hard to work on my Cab/Lady Gaga fic, but I can't get words out, even though I have hysterical ideas. Or at least I think they're hysterical. I mean, come on. So, forever ago I said that I was going to write a fic about Lady Gaga is a dolphin and is in love with Singer and has sex with Cash and makes Marshall's life a living hell. Has anyone heard the song "Alejandro"? FREAKS ME OUT! And now, must be in the fic.

BUT I CAN'T WRITE. Sad panda.

PS<<< The episode of Friends is on with Brad Pitt. I want Singer to grow a beard like Brad's now with the tiny beads, because that shit would be awesome.

PPS<<< That coughing up blood thing I had? H1N1. Don't get it.

PPPS<<< My jaywalking ticket got reduced to $90 and I have until February to pay for it.
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