That is an adorable, adorable little stuffed animal.
And yet, I want to make cracks about furries. Fucking bandom.
I hope you get to stay home and cocoon, bb (while feeling better, clearly). And also stalk twitter because I rely on you for my information. You have a responsibility!
He's not little! He's huge! Bigger than my pillows. I can't believe I didn't introduce you to him when you were here. I got him ages ago, I stole him from my Nanny's house, because I was sick and I fell asleep on him, and she said I could just keep him. Probably cause I was diseased.
I do get to stay home, in my cocoon, watching Heroes and thinking increasingly disturbing things about animal transfiguration.
I know, fail on your part. I'll just have to come annoy you some more. Also, that is an excellent way of acquiring things. Maybe I can start sneezing on boys and then they will be MINE FOREVER. (That reminds me, did you give me your plague? I have the epic sniffles. And can't drug myself because of the epic vodka red bull I will be ingesting later.)
If you turn Ryan Ross into an ostrich, I will love you forever and give you all my hypothetical babies. (Also, lookit, I'm checking LJ!)
You want to lure me back with your furries. Scaaary.
You KNOW you have that power. Don't doubt it for a second. He would! Like Jon Walker would make a fantastic platypus. Maybe this needs to be Australian!animal!transfiguration. Brendon Urie is a wallaby!
So, we have Ryan the ostrich, Jon the platypus, Brendon the wallaby.
Now we need Spencer. And Cab Babies. Singer is that one with the big eyes. The big huge eyes. The one that I can't remember, but it's like, little and sort of monkey/lemur like, but has the big eyes. You know?
And yet, I want to make cracks about furries. Fucking bandom.
I hope you get to stay home and cocoon, bb (while feeling better, clearly). And also stalk twitter because I rely on you for my information. You have a responsibility!
I do get to stay home, in my cocoon, watching Heroes and thinking increasingly disturbing things about animal transfiguration.
Also, that is an excellent way of acquiring things. Maybe I can start sneezing on boys and then they will be MINE FOREVER. (That reminds me, did you give me your plague? I have the epic sniffles. And can't drug myself because of the epic vodka red bull I will be ingesting later.)
If you turn Ryan Ross into an ostrich, I will love you forever and give you all my hypothetical babies. (Also, lookit, I'm checking LJ!)
I think it's springtime everywhere. But, it would be an awesome ability to add to my repertoire - spreading sickness through the interwebs.
Dude, he would make an awesome ostrich. Terrifying.
(and look at you go)
You KNOW you have that power. Don't doubt it for a second.
He would! Like Jon Walker would make a fantastic platypus. Maybe this needs to be Australian!animal!transfiguration. Brendon Urie is a wallaby!
Oh god, now you made me think of this properly.
I might. You don't even know.
So, we have Ryan the ostrich, Jon the platypus, Brendon the wallaby.
Now we need Spencer. And Cab Babies. Singer is that one with the big eyes. The big huge eyes. The one that I can't remember, but it's like, little and sort of monkey/lemur like, but has the big eyes. You know?
Spencer can be a koala. It looks gorgeous until it claws your eyes out.
I think Cash would be an emu. Because it's sort of a faily version of the ostrich and consorts.
Cash is so an emu. And clearly, Marshall has to be a dolphin. So that leaves Ian and Johnson. What will they be?
Australia needs more fierce animals to accomodate theIan and Johnson.
Oh! Johnson can be a great white shark! Because they're badass but can occasionally get their ass kicked by a dolphin. Hee.
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