Grad sleepover

Dec 17, 2004 20:14

Good Evening.
I am officially dying from lack of sleep. Grad sleepover was pretty nuts last night. After band practice yesterday we headed down to the school in hopes that we could sneak in. Not a chance. I stood outside with Joe and Jarrett for like an hour and a half before they caved and paid to get in. All that was left was me and Paul. We ended up staying outside for another hour and a half or so. We had like 10 people inside that were going to sneak us in and it couldnt be done. I managed to get in with 5 bucks and no permission form and Pau ended up paying full price. When i got there, who did i run into but a certain Kayla that was going to stay outside with me but i couldnt get ahold of. She started yelling at me because apperently i diddnt call her (which i did, twice, but nobody answered). It turned out that she wrote her number down wrong. Go figure. The dance started a little while after i got there and it was bloody awsome. The songs were shit but I turned the excitement level around. There were some mad rap beats that i was just feelin. the pants were lowered and the bandana was put on gangsta style. I layed down the mad rap moves in a circle and it was sweet. Later on when some more lame music came on that was impossible to dance to, I switched the mood from whatever to bloody hilarious. i started seizure dancing and i fell on the floor and kept on going for a bit when Geoff ran over and started screaming "o my god" and things to that extent. The prepy kids were freaking out and i heard a few "o no what do we do" when i stood up with out using my hands and kept on dancing. Everyone got mad and it was super funny. I also started a mosh pit with Kayla and Mel. There was more that happened but im getting tired of writing so im going to finish this off with a friendly "FU
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