lovely day na

May 28, 2004 00:18

Lovely. Just Lovely.
The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, the cars are honking, the ozone is depleting and we're all slowly dying. Some sooner than others.

"It's a lovely day, isn't it Hiro?"
Yes. Beautiful. How are you today, Hiro?
"Wonderful, and you?"
Tres Bien.

Great, now I'm talking to myself. Not only am I a depressed and paranoid child, I'm also mental.

I go home to find Kuri ambush me by jumping from the stairs. I, being her big brother and fearing for her safety, of course, catches her. Well.. what happened from that point on is pretty obvious.

It wouldn't have been such a big deal since she would have found out eventually. I had expected her to be scared. Or maybe at worse even disgusted. But no. Kuri... she just... kept hugging me everytime I changed back. Mind you, I'm happy to finally hug my sister but 5 hours of non-stop ambush glomps from a toddler... I glad mother did not decide to stay over at Aunt Miyako's house.

I think I should start finding hiding places now.

Lovely day, isn't it?
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