Aug 05, 2013 17:57
OKAY so I know I'm going to get homo cat calls for still banging on about this BUT the levels of weird I am currently being forced to operate with are UNPARALLELED.
Fine, Rab is too busy to hang or show up to work on time or go to a convention in Germany this month. Fine. (Actually, seriously fine because I don't want to go anyway because almost baby time). Fine, Rab is being cagey when I push him for details about how he met Skankatron 5000. Fine. He has been coming in TRES LATE for work the last few days because 'Skankatron 5000 works late and I like to see her after she finishes up'. FINE.
Not fine: seeing said skankatron at lunch at some fucking upscale as shit bistro last week with another dude. Granted, he was hella old and shit so probably her dad, but she didn't even say hi to me when I waved and she fucking well saw me. Then when I mentioned it to Rab he said she accused me of following her to spy on her. As if I have the fucking interest in that? Also, how do you play like you're all being inconspicuous when your entire outfit is made from a pack of dental floss? Seriously, she is the actual worst and most unlikeable person I know. And Cat Deely is a regular fucking fixture in my flat.