Aug 07, 2012 08:58

Please tell me someone else watched that medals ceremony for the rowing with that US bloke with a massive lob on? Nearly pissed ourselves laughing, Rab and me, because really that is what the Olympic spirit around the shop is all about.

Been volleying back and forth with Diva on Skype and Whatsapp because she's stupidly not home still. Yet being stupidly in Japan and with the promise of an off brand-sex doll Sash bought that bares a striking resemblance (Note to Diva: FIND SOME AND BUY ME LIKE 10 MORE) I am going to make myself a Dajve Bikinus latex army. Oh fuck, can you imagine? Buy some American flag fu-manchus for them as well....damn,  I'm going to look like a US rower in a tick.

Been trying to keep busy, had a few matches for the footie rained out during the season so we're trying to make em up on the weekends when we can. Graciously have had a slight reprieve from the pigtailed horror-show that is Jones so swings and roundabouts, hey? Richmond came round ours last weekend as well for a pint and a chat. Solid bloke, right terrible what's happened to him. Other than that just occupying my time between work, keeping the flat in reasonable order, facing Sunday tea with my family (ALONE. TRAITOR.) and making grand designs for the aforementioned army. Rabby and I have been tossing around (and idea, easy) the thought of doing a gay little thing so we'll see what the next week brings.

Also I had a spot in my EAR. This is probably a Pip thing more than anyone else but fuck me it was gross. Made my headphones all uncomfortable and now I'm picking scabs out of my ear. Cool.
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