I did not intend to start the VLOG this way, this one is actually quite a bit out of order, but bear with me - not having internet has screwed my entire plan, so this is the best that I can do :-)
We went out to the lava flow the other night. Granted, the flow is open to anyone, but if you go in after closing, you can hike out across the newly formed, volcanic shelf that resulted from a fairly substantial flow a few months ago, right around Brent and Laura's BDAY's.
Anyhow, it is extremely dangerous: Volcanic rock starts out as a glass that erodes down into what we all call lava rock, so you have to go out with your good shoes and your sure-footed-ness and hope that something doesn't go wrong. The previous flow is still going, it's just eaten its way down a bit into the earth into what they call lava tubes. These tubes dump into the ocean at the edge of the shelf, which is what the regular folks view from about a mile away.
We went all the way to the edge. When the lava hits the ocean water it releases a huge plume of SO2 which, if in haled, quickly forms sulfuric acid. IN YOUR LUNGS. Granted the reaction needs large amounts to take place so if you're careful you won't die. So, here's the deal: You have to go on a night the trades are blowing west or south west. It's recommended to go when the moon is near full or full because it's quite bright here, so it makes navigating the flow a lot easier. Annnndddd... if you catch it on the right night, this is what you see:
Enjoy :)
P.S. - Now that I have a place I can upload to youtube without problems, I'll just make another VLOG entry with all of the other shit I've got all in one, and then I'll try to keep them sequential :)
I love and miss you all.
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