Aug 04, 2010 14:36
So, I just got my first syllabus for the new semester. For my Personality class. Lol, I had this professor about a year ago for Abnormal Psychology, and I had forgotten he was the one who was a Freudian, and... Lololol.
Pretty much our entire class will be on Freud it seems. CX
8DDD I also got my allowance for books today! I'm getting the full amount! $50 for books, $120 for supplies *____* Which is nice, because the previously mentioned class's book is $150 new.
e___e Why is Psychology so expensive? God.
Now I just need to remember where I put that Survey of Math book I had for last semester so that I can use it for this one. 8| I don't care if there is a new edition or not.
freud = hoo boy,
crazy professors,
money yay