Ehehehe... New meme |D

May 03, 2010 17:51

Ganked from Nym

Years roleplaying: Uhhh... 9 months?
Least favorite muse?: Ummm. I'm not sure. Probably Science. :|||||
Male or female muses?: I ave fifteen billion female muses
Oldest character played?: ... Rorschach? Or Claudine, maybe?
Longest muse played?: Catty Turner from Daughters of the Moon
Newest muse?: Prince Naveen of Maldonia from The Princess and the Frog

Which muse of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Rorschach, Jean, Dietrich
Get drunk and pass out?: Nobu XD
Be far too hyper for their own good?: Naveen
Be raped?: Everyone has the potential to be raped, and this is a fucked up question
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: Lmfao. Catty?
Get lung cancer?: Hatori, strangely enough. XD And he's a doctor.
Star in a horror movie?: Erm. Niji? As the badass who lives?
Star in a whore movie?: Claudine
Star in a video game?: The Exile, Revan :|
Make the world a better place?: Catty, Vanessa, Yue, Alyss
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Catty and Vanessa. :||||| Together.

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Catty Turner, Nobu Terashima
Hate - Leah Clearwater
Money - Aphrodite
Seduction - Claudine
Lies - Revan
Tragedy - Dietrich, Jean
Manipulation - The Exile
Violence - Rorschach
Politics - Alyss
Fire - Neko-sensei
Ice -  Hatori Sohma

Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: Yeah, probably.
Play a musician?: I play Nobu and Cree
Play a pilot?: I guess?
Play a homosexual?: Definitely
Play a pedophile?: ... Does Neko-sensei count?
Play a politician?: Rofl. I play a queen?
Create a muse for the sole purpose of smut?: Nope.
Play a character who commits incest?: If I muse the-- Wait. Hatori is incestual. Even if she was is fiftieth cousin removed

meme, bored and random

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