Mar 21, 2008 20:55
From the Devotional: Day by Day we Magnify Thee Daily readings for the entire church year from the sermons and talks of Martin Luther.
He said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. Luke 23: 42-43
As comfort came in the garden from an angel, so here on the cross it came from a murderer who hung beside Him. He is a wonderful God who allows His Son to be comforted by a murderer. The robber must have seen through the veil of Christ's body, through shame, disdain, and suffering. Otherwise he could not have believed and testified that Christ was Lord of a mighty kingdom. Thus, then, Christ had passed through hell, and comfort begins to reach Him through the robber. God does not allow His Church to perish. Therefore it is well said, that the faith which had died in Peter rose again in the robber. For this word must stand: 'Be thou Lord amongst Thine enemies'. Then Christ thinks, After all, I have a gracious God who has prepared for Me a kingdom, and He permits the sinner to enjoy the fruit of My sufferings. Therefore He says to him: 'Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise'. The robber, perceiving his guilt and Christ's innocence, thinks: Christ's innocence will help me. And he sees right into the heart of Christ, as though through a solid wall. The malefactor is one of us, and we are like him; therefore let us cry unto Christ and He will say unto us: 'Yes, Amen!' As He did to the robber.
comments on Luke 23: 42-43