FIClet: Land's End - Sineline (Bruce/Ducard, R)

Feb 19, 2006 19:46

Title: Land's End - Sineline
Author: Tem-ve H'syan
Pairing: Bruce/Ducard
Rating: R for remebered violent sex (the best kind. Well, second best to present violent sex :)
Summary: Attempting to lure the Bat takes its toll on Ducard.
Notes: The admittedly tangential title comes from a section of Van der Graaf Generator's A Plague of Lighthouse Keepers, which in itself is chock-full of silly titles, but also contains the line "In the maelstrom of my memory/ sits a vampire and it feeds on me", and somehow that fitted this bit of Ducard!blah very well. Inspired by the realisation that some bats do indeed lick blood, and that that has the potential to be very hot. Also, my Ducard!muse simply wanted a break, since his backstory is inching closer and closer to being comppletely gen. *shrugs* I do whatever my Ducard!muse commands.

Also, I want more Batsuit!sex. :)

Land's End - Sineline
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