Fic: "Push" B/D 1/1 NC-17

Feb 14, 2006 11:19

Title: Push
Author: rabidfangurl
Pairing: Bruce/Ducard
Rating: NC-17 This is PR0N, people.
Disclaimer: If I could get Liam Neeson to do this, I wouldn't be writing fanfic.
Beta: The beautiful and talented temve
Warnings: Bondage. Fisting. Handporn.
Notes: My fetish for Ducard handporn ran away with me. I'm sick, I have an excuse.

"Why do you fail?" Ducard asked, standing over me. We had been in the salle for hours, and no matter what I tried, I could not best him. He had taught me everything I needed to know, but I could not use it correctly yet. My body wouldn't obey my commands fast enough, and I didn't have enough skill. Plus, we had been training for hours. I had reached my limit.

"There's only so much I can do," I panted. Why Ducard believed I could even move in this condition was beyond me. Couldn't he see I was exhausted?

He clucked his tongue patiently and offered me a gauntleted hand. I took it with some trepadation, wary of tricks, but he merely pulled me to my feet. Now I was wary, as Ducard rarely did anything out of pure kindness, and was being strangely patient, considering I had been a disappointment to him all afternoon. "You must overcome the limits of the body, Bruce." He gestured toward the door. "Come, it is time to rest."

I should have known something was up.


I woke bound face-down to the bed. This wasn't surprising, actually. It was just another test. I started to wiggle my fingers, trying to reach the knots so I could free myself. Ducard was probably timing me.

"That won't work," Ducard said from the foot of the bed. There was an amused note to his voice. "I don't intend for you to escape."

It was then I realized I was naked. Another sex game?, I thought, waiting for the inevitable. Ducard had been fucking me on and off since I had arrived with the blue flower at my lapel. He had taught me many things about myself that way, including the savage joy of a fierce fuck. "There's no point in hurting me, Henri. You've taught me to enjoy it too much."

I could hear the smile in his voice. "I wasn't planning on hurting you. Though I promise you, you will enjoy this."

He shoved one thick, lubricated finger up my ass. I started for a moment and then relaxed. This was nothing we hadn't done before.

"You know, Bruce," he said conversationally as he worked another finger into me, "the human body is capable of amazing feats. Mothers can lift one-ton boulders off their children. Drivers can walk away from high-speed crashes without a scratch. And-" a third finger joined the other two, "-you have many more talents than you think."

Bound as I was, I could only push back a little against Ducard's invading fingers. I tried to angle myself so he would brush my prostate, but he just continued to stretch me open without allowing me that pleasure. I was beginning to wonder if this was going to be one of those nights where he tried to see how long I would last before I gave in and begged.

He pushed in another finger. I gasped. I had thought he had been planning on fucking me. What was he doing instead? "Amazing, how much elasticity there is in the human body." He was moving his fingers in tiny circles now, reminding me of how I was impaled on his hand.

Suddenly, his fingers were gone. I took a deep breath, waiting for the pounding to come. Instead, his hand returned, slicker than before. I could feel it pushing against me, sinking in deeper and deeper. When I felt his knuckles brush past my hole, I realized what he was doing. He had his whole hand inside me.

The feeling was incredible. I could feel his hand shift and move as he formed a fist. I was stretched wide and open, completely at his mercy. I knew the size of his hands intimately, from watching them as they attacked me to feeling them as they corrected my own attacks. I knew just how large his fists were, having seen them completely swallow the handle of swords. And now I had one of them inside me.

He rotated his wrist slowly, and I could feel every one of the bones in his hand as they rubbed my inner walls. I shuddered at the feeling, almost overwhelmed.

"Amazing, isn't it, what the body can do? Tell me, would you have expected yourself to be able to take my whole hand in?"

I couldn't answer. He was using the second knuckle on his middle finger to massage my prostate, and I was squirming around him. I had gotten hard at some point, and the relentless pressure of his fist inside me was making me harder.

"You don't know how beautiful you are like this," Ducard said, laying his free hand on my hip. "So fragile-" he opened his fist just the slightest bit, and I shivered, "-so vulnerable" he reached down and took my cock in his hand, "-so mine." He leaned forward and bit my shoulder.

I couldn't help it. I moaned. Trapped between the fist on my cock and the fist in my ass, I had never been more at Ducard's mercy. At yet, I knew that when this was over, he would let me free and give me rein to try and hurt him. I knew that he expected me to eventually best him. I knew this all was a lesson. And so I allowed myself enjoy being at his mercy.

"I knew you would like this." He started moving his fist back and forth just the smallest amount, brushing my prostate as he did so. Everything he did seemed to be magnified tenfold as my world narrowed down to the feel of his hand in my ass. It wasn't until I felt myself clamp down on him that I even realized I was coming.

He pumped me until I finished and then rubbed my now sensitized prostate a few more times before slowly pulling his hand out of me. I whimpered at the loss. I felt so empty without him inside me.

There was the tinkle of water and I knew he was washing his hands. He returned to the bed and kissed my shoulder where he had bitten it before beginning to remove the restraints. As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear him whisper. "Tomorrow, Bruce, we push your limits."
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