Medical Update

Sep 27, 2007 00:13


Monday I had an abdominal ultrasound and a barium series in an attempt to determine the cause of my spasms.

So far, all I know is that I was diagnosed with acid reflux. Probably this is not the cause of my spasms, so we're back to square one on that front. At the followup, we will have to discuss whether or not any of my medications could be causing or aggravating the acid reflux and how we are going to treat it.

Here comes the icky stuff.

In other news, the antibiotics that are treating my testosterone-induced chronic acne infection have caused me to contract a severe fungal infection. Severe enough that my doctor freaked out quite a bit. Then again, I'd had it for at least two weeks [that I know of] before I was able to see him about it. So now I'm on a somewhat intensive drug regimen to kill that infection. In what may or may not be unrelated news, I have also managed to develop a separate infection in one of my armpits. Doctor says it's just a very irritated pore and that I can't use stick deodorant until it clears up. I can't use spray deodorant (which is what he suggested) instead because sprays make me sick, so I'm stuck with no deodorant for now. I'm considering borrowing the crystal kind from one of the family members who has dermatitis to see if that'll work out for me. So, to sum up, I feel like I am totally icky right now. I gots infections in three places (if one can consider "almost all the pores of my skin" to be one place and "this particular area of my skin" to be another place) and I can't use deodorant. Feh. Well, on the bright side, if I stink, I now have an excuse?

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