In Which Batshua Updates Her Life

Oct 02, 2004 21:09

So Friday I made Tiramisu in honor of the holiday and Shabbos. I had no idea what I was doing and guessed a lot, even though I had two recipes to guide me.

At times I totally disregarded directions. Nonetheless, it came out rather well. Mom was quite pleased.

I went to the succah at Rodfei. It was a comedy of errors. They told us dinner "after six". I arrived roughly at six and couldn't get inside. Eventually two of the women who were helping to prepare the meal arrived and tried to find an open door. They succeeded but I wasn't with them and so I spent a minute checking all the doors again. Turns out the door that should always be locked is the one that happened to be unlocked.

At 7:00 people start to arrive. For Shabbos services. We're not eating in the succah for at least another hour. Groan. I didn't sign up for this and so I'm hungry and oh by the way, you may not have a place to sit, let alone food to eat.

At 8ish, I find Adir and we start trying to figure out if we have seats and if so, where. Eventually we are seated at a table with space. We eat good food and I attempt to make conversation but I can't hear too well and so I pretend comprehension.

Eventually Dr. Horowitz shows up and invites us to an afterparty. Dad arrives to ask if he should take me home and I inform him that I've been invited to an afterparty.

Before everyone else arrives, I am informed that H. and I would make a cute couple. I am baffled. I am not looking for anyone. I don't know how to break this to her, so I tell her I'd consider a friendly relationship, but I'm not looking much more than that. We discuss the issue of intermarriage and the tragic decline of the Jewish population.

Whenever given a chance, she urges me to call or email H. I have nothing against H., but I don't think we have enough in common. Furthermore, I would feel weird asking a guy out, especially when I know that I don't want it to really go anywhere. But if he crumbles to her pressure and asks me out, I will most likely accept.

I feel really weird about this.

Guys, a little help here?

Anyway, tonight I went to see "Maria Full of Grace", a foreign film about a Colombian girl who decides to become a mule.

I do not recommend this movie. It made me sick to my stomach it was so gross. Pass this one up, folks. Being a mule is a bad job and you really don't need to see this movie to find out how bad it is.

Anyhow, right now I'm trying to cleanse it from my mind.

Before the movie I spent a brief bit of time at the Women's Expo where I did some information mining. I got my BMI calculated at 50%. I weighed in at 162 pounds. On the brighter side, my blood pressure is good and as I said I did some information mining. I might have struck gold. I got the names of two female endocrinologists, neither of who are the one I had before. Hopefully something good will happen this time around. I'm so tired of being sick.

spirituality, movies, asexuality

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