Well that was eventful..

Apr 17, 2005 00:32

I think I'm going to start writing in here more often now, I just love this computer and the keyboard that I find reasons to use it, and this takes a long time. I'm still getting used to the keys though, lots of mistakes. My tummy doesn't feel very good right now. From my hangover this morning to the eventful evening tonight, my tum's getting the brunt of it.
So, this evening we went over to Jeremy's friend Rael's house, and I smoked arabian apple tobacco on his Hookah. I'm so proud of myself. I knew if I didn't try it tonight, I never would. Before tonight I had never inhaled anything, not pot, cigarettes, not even that weird cold medication you can get. It was ridiculously smooth though. It made my eyes hurt a little bit.
So now, if I ever say smoking is bad or anything like that, just call me a hipocrite, cause that junk was delicious. He had mint stuff too, but he put it in after the apple with the same coals so I couldn't really taste the mint all that well.
I'm so weird.. I'm typing without looking at the keyboard which I almost never do, and the little cursor going across the screen reminds me of the beginning (or end..) of Doogie Howser.
I'm really sleepy. The mix of tobacco smoke and about two hours of four player mario kart really hit me all of a sudden.
perhap's it is bed time.
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