So there goes another weekend full of hate, love, boredom, and drunken madness..
not really, more like boredom and drunken madness..
Finished reading all of my mangas, yes my precious mangas, I cant stop thinking of them..even now they beckon me..if life were only like the comics, you can be some some bad ass that doesnt need anything, except your philosophy on life, and the ability to kill people..and since its the comics, you can kill people all day! and you can STILL run from the cops..anwyays..
The thoughts in my mind have been sparatic lately..(big surprise I know) Ive just been getting more and more of a dose of reality on life recently...its just horrible that sometimes you wouldnt believe some people are capable of certain behaviors, or even beliefs..yet I am completely and absolutely wrong..
This country is going to hell, its a shame too..I guess all empires rise and fall sooner or later..but this country is just crumbling apart so fast..look at our president.. the acronym for today kids is= WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) vote for John Kerry, at least he knows how to tie his shoes..
other than the hum drum excitement of my life, nothing has been up..more like stagnant..nothing TERRIBLE has happened, unless you count going in to work and feel like your some damn assembly line worker..bah
I think Im going to start a gang of samurais..I dont know, maybe to just try and mess with people in the street, Ill have the whole kimono and sword get up..I dont think anyone would take us seriously, unless of course I actually start hurting people..
-sinister grin slowly emerges-
I have been wanting to get into a fight recently, Im assuming its pent up testosterone..but I dont care, man how I would love to ride on that feeling though..punching someone right in the face..maybe causing them to lose some teeth..and then just laughing at em..maybe one day..ah well thats enough brain scribbles for now though..
if anyone cares to join me as a samurai wielding gang of Hialeah please let me can print out the application here: not really...but someday it will be true :)