...29 and counting

Jun 13, 2007 21:38

Another year older and none the wiser, as it were. I've gotten to the point where I really don't give much thought to my birthday. I don't want big parties or a big fuss, so I've gotten to where I stay fairly mum about it. Despite that fact, I still happen upon the nice surprise or two throughout the day.

I got treated to breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning with Sara and then we proceeded to do the whole shopping/browsing/oohandahhing thing in various stores, including at Target where she was checking out a crib set that her son and daughter-in-law were looking at getting for their baby who's due in January. Baby stuff. <3

After that... on to the salon! I got a manicure and pedicure (french on the hands, a deep maroon on the toesies). My first pedicure and ohmygosh I will so do that again; having your feet massaged and in one of those whirlywarmy foot baths coupled with the massage chair was awesome beyond words. It ended up being done by someone I see fairly often coming through the turnpike so we chatted quite a bit.

After that... to the salon! Well, the hair salon. I got my hair cut... and do I mean cut! It's down just past my ears after its dried and boy has my natural curl sprung into action. I love the cut... so much cooler and it will be so much less to fuss with now.

To the mall and home again, then out to eat at my favorite barbecue joint. To the store to get stuff for supper tomorrow night (steak and potatoes) then back home for some fun games of cards and german chocolate cake with ice cream. Yummo.

Add to that the fact that I got serenaded by my family over the phone (with much giggling on the part of Jeff, Sara and myself and the day was just great. Even the multiple calls from work didn't phase me much today and that is a very good thing. Must've been the foot rub....

Anyway, that's about it in the exciting life of yours truly. Oh, and six days left before vacation! Woo.
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