I realize how much time in MMOs over the past few years. I never made C a WoW-widow or canceled plans with friends because I had a raid, but I played a decent amount of time. When SWToR came out, I was ready for a change. Then D3 caught my eye and my time. I was spending much of my nights paying games. It was a release, an escape from the day to day drama, a puzzle to solve, a goal to work towards that took little energy and I thought was recharging me. I was never very social because this was my alone time. I tend not to watch chat, which some have thought I was ignoring them because I was unresponsive.
right before leaving, I had been invited to 3 betas, including WoW: mists and secret world. I had also received new lego games for wii I want to play. I was mentally trying to figure out how to divide my game play time.
Then I spent two weeks away from computers. I saw the world, spent time in reality. I have not played for a week before (every burning man) but since back this time, I can't bring myself to play any of them. I sat last night intending to play, but I kinda played solitaire then turned off my computer. I am craving interaction and social and real, things the games have never been for me.
I wish I could just go to a museum today with 30 our 40 of my closest friends...
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