As 2007 ends

Dec 30, 2007 05:21

My year in review? No need, just an update on the latest things to happen in my life.

Margaret left Japan the end of November and is now in Sheffield England. She has fallen in love with another teacher, Steven from England, so since his contract was up he went home with plans to return to Japan to be with her. When the company(Nova) she worked for over there went kephooney it was decided she would join him there and they would come to Olds for Christmas. The 2 weeks originally planned for an English stay has now been extended and it looks like it will be mid-March for her return to us. They were thinking of coming the end of Dec/early Jan but we discouraged that time as the bookings would be very expensive and hard to get. Turns out there is a delay in getting Steven's work visa for Canada. We are looking forward to meeting him in person, but we have chatted by phone a few times with them.

My freezer has arrived and is now installed in my office/room. We have an order of beef which should arrive mid-January. The shed does not have any siding or shingles on it yet (too cold to work with the siding) but we have started to put things into it. What a difference it makes. With so many boxes stored out there, we have been able to get the spare room/Paul's office cleared and set up. I have a huge packing box of excess things we will be taking to the second hand store, but since it is closed over the Christmas/New Year break we added it to the shed as well. I finally have the hall cleared and my Santas on display, I suggested that we put up some shelving over the fireplace and we set all the Christmas houses up there. Yesterday we bought a fibreoptical flower arrangement for when they go back into their boxes. The house looks so festive done up for Christmas. I hope to add a picture here soon.

And speaking of pictures, I had a complete computer shut down as my hard drive failed. It can not be restarted so I have lost everything on it. I have a new hard drive now and am slowly recreating as much as possible. The hardest thing to lose was all of my address book, I have managed to get some of them back through my hotmail account, but there are still some missing. So if you read this and have not received a note from me since Dec 14th, please drop me an email.

For Christmas gifts, the big gifts were 2 HD tvs (42" and 27"), 1 saw and for my birthday a new sink for the house. Both the saw and sink are currently in the shed. Our deck is finished, inspected and approved. We have 2 sets of steps (one at each end) and they will have to be stained. (maybe a job for Steven when he arrives if the weather is warm enough lol). We still want to paint the main room and get new drapes so I have been looking at paint colours. No final decisions yet.

We have been into Calgary for 2 parties since moving and will be in Airdrie on the 31st for a party. Now we have in the past spent that time quietly at home with lots of snacking foods, kissed in the new year, rolled into bed & gotten up early on the 1st for the parade. This will be only our 3rd evening out.

There is a new feeding system to stop the early morning/late night crying. The feeders are set on a timer and open automatically at the set time for feeding. They have been batted around some by attempts to open them sooner, but they held strong. It means we can sleep later in the mornings. In fact I heard one being banged right now. lol

Most mornings I am online at to play bowling with a couple of ladies that I met there. Come join us at the Pacific Rim. Once Paul is away to Calgary, I sit down at the computer, signon and play for several games and then get on with life. My life is very casual and not too busy at all. I watch The View and Regis and Kelly and my soap Days of Our Lives. Right now I have been doing alot of reading as I finally ordered the books by Janet Lambert to finish my collection. I will get my bookcase set up in the bedroom by my new chair and once I get the rest of the series from storage will be very happy.

My right knee and my left ankle is bad, so when we shop at either Home Depot or Ikea, Paul pushes me in a wheel chair. Those stores are just too big for me to walk around. At HD yesterday, I ended up pushing a cart before me with Paul behind. He kept giving me steering directions as I could not see where I was going. Lucky us, I did not hit anyone or anything, but I did cause a few smiles as I beep beeped my way through the store.

So to all ----- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Best wishes for 2008.


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