Nov 14, 2005 10:08
okay so alot of you might no, you might not no. This past year was my last year of twirling... After 16 or so years it's coming to an end. I can't beleive it. I don't even think it's totally set in but the way I feel now makes me think of how I'm going to feel when I go to a competition and don't twirl at all. It saddens me. No one can understand how much Baton Twirling means to me. I have been doing it since I was like 3. My life consisted of School and baton for 16 years. Then the last 2 was school, Baton, and work. I was talking to Amanda H. on the phone and she told me that at Championships people were saying around her (In my corp and the corps next to us) "why is she crying" after the announced that Gaurd got first and the Bob Seterra award... then Grand Champions... ok lemme explain why I was crying and tell me if I'm legit. Okay #1... It was my last year of twirling EVER, and I won everything I was in... #2... It was LaRues last year of teaching EVER after over 30 years of it, me being in like 16 years of it. Not only that but I was glad to make her so proud. Amanda told me she told the people "no one can understand how she feels right now"... and she's right NO ONE could understand how I felt... I can't even explain it. I'm so close to crying while I type this because I still am so however I feel about it. The only people that could come close to knowing how I felt are LaRue and my mom. So yeah, that's about it...
Love always and all ways,
Howy Hawie