a few more days... and a nice wake up!

Oct 15, 2005 12:20

I can't wait... lol on Tuesday I am going to spend the night at Amandas for a few days... it's going to be fun lol. Heateher and Laura are going to hang out a little bit. Were going to do some stupid stuff lol. I am going to tape her to the wall and were going to play with her puppy lol! Very fun!

So this morning I was asleep and all of a sudden I hear the dogs barking and then I hear "where the hell are you all?!" being yelled. My Uncle Billy came over lol... he's so funny. I came out of my rooma and said "some people sleep" he said " what the hell do you need to sleep til 10:30 for?!" Then I woke my mom up and she was like "what are you doing here? Was this planned?" and my Uncle goes "fine I'll leave" lol

but yeah my Saturday class starts next weekend... not to excited about that at all. I passed my test that I took the other week! :) for my online class. I also had to take a test for my Stress management class and I got a 92% THANK YOU! lol

Yesterday was HORRIBLE at work... the kids wouldn't listen for crap... I didn get out 10 minutes eraoly though lol so that was ok (I guess). They decided to dump ALL the bins of toys... I could have shot them all. But it's all good now. I had two of the school agers come in and clean up and they got my kids treats.

I really need to clean my room lol... once again all I have to get up is the cloths, put my shoes in my closet and then make my bed... AHHHHHH I want this done before I go to Amandas.
SO yeah that's about it...

Love always and all ways,
Ms. Holleah
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