I hadda birfday, and other news...

Apr 19, 2009 17:00

I got a cake!

If you know much about me, you know my husband is a) a Russian, and b) acts very Russiany, meaning he's not that into gestures and emotions and ... stuff.

But on Wednesday when I went to be, there was nothing.  And when I got up, there were balloons, flowers and CAKE.

Did I mention cake?  With crack sugar frosting and lemon filling?

Ah, cake, how I love you... you give me the joy.  And bodily chub, but still, cake.

And since I haven't seen my Mom since X-mas, she's kinda going nuts for my birthday.  Some of the presents are from my grandma, but regardless, they all get sent to work.  And apparently, I put some weird presents on my wishlist.

For my bday, I got a cordless drill, new tupperware that isn't crappy, black pearl earrings, and a blue, porcelain coated dutch oven.

YAY FOR DUTCH OVENS!  That are a pretty blue color.  Awesomesauce.

In other news, well, nothing. I'm lame and boring for the most part, and have been avoiding the internets out of a recent love of laze.

But all is well with me, and I heart you all.
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