It's a Sad Thing When You Long for Saddam Hussein

Aug 27, 2008 09:27

So apparently, there was one thing Saddam Hussein did right: his secular government's policy regarding homosexuality was "don't ask, don't tell."

In an article by Newsweek (located HERE), it is said that around 430 gay men have been murdered since 2003.

No one in the government wanted to be interviewed regarding the issue, and those that did refused to be named but felt that the attacks, when compared to other crimes occurring in Iraq were unimportant. Granted, the deaths of 430 people aren't as numerically

One example of the what seems to be the primary Iraqi point of was was "when told of such atrocities one Iraqi acquaintance blamed the victims, calling them 'the lowest humans.'"

I don't want to take that statement at face value and assume that the majority of Iraqi's are homophobic, that's just what the article said.

One of the more horrifying passages read stated:

Persecution of gays will stop only if Iraqis can abandon centuries-old prejudices. They would have to acknowledge that human rights don't cover only the humans they like. Insisting that gays are just a few undesirable perverts who "should be killed"--as one Iraqi who works in journalism put it--encourages an atmosphere of impunity no matter the offense. Killing gays becomes "honorable." And raping them is OK because it isn't considered a homosexual act--only being penetrated or providing oral sex is.

I know that this is just my angry gut reaction, but this news makes me wonder: why should I care about their nation when they treat their citizens like this?

things that hurt my soul

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