Oct 23, 2007 14:22
So, yeah. Hi. Okay, so yes, I'm lame about updating, but sometimes I just get really down about having nothing to post or talk about, so I just don't bother.
But I've actually done some stuff lately, so I'll put it under a cut.
So L has been back in the country for a while, and finally, about three weeks ago, she came into the city with Sabrina (who, like L, was my roommate when I first moved to down here). She called me while I was at work , so I rushed home and showered, then met them at the restaurant. It was on a tuesday or something. We went to Pizza Orgasmica and sat on the cushiony bit, and luckily there were no plumbing problems there like there was when Corinna, Bethany and Shasta visited me. But it was nice to just chill with some friends. I don't really have friends in the city, so I spend a lot of time on the weekends just doing nothing. It was fun, and we spent a couple hours talking and eating pizza-y goodness. It was nice to actually talk to a friend face to face again. I'm not a huge fan of phone conversations, which is problematic considering the fact that none of my friends are big phone people either. So L, Sabrina and I (Andrea, one of their friends whom I'm not close to was there also, but whatever) talked a lot and I treated them to the entire drama of Kostya and myself. And no, I haven't had a big ol' talk with him yet. I'm too lazy and I'm not miserable enough to deal with it yet.
Then I started decorating like crazy around my apartment. There are tombstones, skeletons, cobwebs, orange lights, bat garland, spider garland... good times. Oh, and I found these sticky bloody hand prints at Walgreens, so I put them on our kitchen window.
Then I fell. Now, I was just walking toward my apartment on the sidewalk, and I just fell. I didn't trip, stumble, or anything. I just fell. As I fell, I was afraid of hitting my head on this sharp, tiled edge near one of the houses, so I wind-milled/flailed my arms in an attempt to not fall. No such luck. Instead, I only succeeded in increasing my downward velocity. I hit the ground, trying to stop myself with my right hand to no avail. I scraped up my palm and bruised the muscles in my hand. I also scraped the shit out of my elbow and my knee, bruising more bones on the way. Then I hit my head hard enough to give myself whiplash, which hurt, and ended up with a huge bump on my head. I was so embarrassed I almost cried. This woman was looking at me like she didn't know if she should run to help me or not.
She asked if I was okay, to which I replied that I was, save my pride. Then she said it looked like I'd had a heart attack. My level of embarrassment only increased. So the next few days, it pretty much hurt anytime I moved. Luckily, I didn't have any blurry vision or anything, so at least I didn't give myself a concussion.
Then on the 13th, a Saturday, L called and said she was having a dinner party in San Jose. I was sorely tempted to flake out, because its an hour away through traffic. Oye. But I went with it and had to drive across the city to pick up L's friend Stephanie, who wanted to go down as well. Stephanie and I get on well enough, but we just don't know each other that well. On the car drive down to L's, I learned something about L: she really attracts the nerdy dorks like myself as friends. Stephanie enjoys foamy, strong bad, horror films, a lot of the same stuff I do. It was actually a fun drive. Then at L's, there was some guy from law school there. Adam was his name, and he was equally dorktastic. We spent an hour alarming L with out dorky love of strong bad and cartoons and the like.
Eventually Adam and his girlfriend took off, and around 10:00, Stephanie and I were ready to head home. L was really excited to see us because she'd been gone all summer, and she kept trying to get us to stay longer. It was amusing. We finally left around 10:30, which leads me to the drive home, a special tale all of it's own.
I live in San Francisco, so I ended up driving down to San Jose on 101. But I'm used to going outside of the city, but just not so far south. So on the way home, I had this mind set that as long as I didn't try to cross a bridge, I was still going the right way. The bay area is sort of like a V, with San Jose just under the point. L tried to give us directions to get home a slightly easier way. Which didn't work out. After driving for an hour, Stephanie and I realized we were in the fucking EAST BAY! We'd never driven the exact route before, so we didn't realize it until we were way the fuck off course. Finally, we got to the bay bridge, which was rather empty near midnight. So we ended up having to go through the city and across Haight to get to Stephanie’s. I didn't get home until almost one in the morning. It sucked.
The next day, L came over to, um, "borrow" some movies, so she spent a few hours hanging out, which was fun.
Another thoroughly unenjoyable week passed.
On Friday, I met up with Stephanie at the mall and we bummed around before meeting L and Sabrina at Chevy's for dinner. After that, we went to go see "30 Days of Night." Now, not knowing how popular the film would be, and since it's almost Halloween, I figured I'd just go ahead and buy the tickets online. But the fuckers still oversold the film, so we had to wait an hour in line to wait to be seated once one of the theaters was open. Oye. But the film was pretty good for a slasher film. Good blood, good action, good gore. Some parts were funny, were intentionally cheesy. But some parts weren't meant to be cheesy, yet people kept laughing out loud. Not good. Overall, it wasn't a terrible film.
I spent the rest of the weekend being all hermity.
Oh, my new rec for you guys: the tv show "Dexter." It's a sympathetic portrayl of a serial killer who is the show's protagonist. It's awesome! Because it's hard to hate a serial killer who tortures/kills a guy who kidnapped a mother, then raped and killed her for a snuff film. I mean, it’s better than him killing puppies or old ladies or something. And since he’s a psychopath, he doesn’t feel any emotion (which is debatable, because he’s the narrator, so despite his claims that he doesn’t feel emotion, it seems that perhaps he does and just doesn’t realize it). And gets adorably confused when women hit on him. Just watch it, okay? You’ll like it... maybe. I think it’s awesome.
So that’s it in my life. Although I did cut my knuckle with a box cutter today. That’s exciting, isn’t it?