Sep 16, 2007 11:16
Happy New Year everyone (who's Jewish.) Yes, that's right, Wednesday night was the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana). What does that mean? Does it mean tons of drinking and partying? No. Did it mean I had the day off work? Only because I took a vacation day. Does it mean sleeping in late the next morning and relaxing? Only sort of. What it meant was we spent an hour in temple on Wednesday night and then two and half hours in temple on Thursday morning. Yes! Rock! We were davening like pros!
It really isn't as dull as I just made it sound. I mean, it is a Chaag (festival). It's just that it's weird to me that for the "normal" New Year, it's an enormous drunken party. But with the Jewish New Year, its significantly more plain. I'm not a total idiot though. I know that in some places (like Israel or New York City) it probably is a huge party. But, here in El Paso, its very low key, and when I think about it, it seems a little weird.
I've developed a monster headache since then. Thursday it was bad, Friday and Saturday it was just a mild ache (located at the base of my neck) and now it's back today being more like an actual headache. Though, I think today is my fault. I couldn't resist playing with the dog. When she starts to hop around and twirl on her hind legs, I have to play with her. I just have to. Unfortunately, I think I over did it. So, now I'm just sitting at the computer blogging and listening to music. I figure that should be enough to relax my brain.
Crap! She's looking at me right now. The dog is staring at me with those big brown eyes. She's saying "You don't love me unless you come play right now."
Must.... Resist. Can't.... Form.... Complete sentences.... Doggie-stare melting.... brain.
Oh! I guess I missed my chance. She's laying down now, silently judging me. I bet she'll blog about how much I suck later. "The male human, who seems to love picking up my poo, ignored me again today. Sure, we played for like an hour, but then he ignored me for 2 hours. I think I'll bite his hand later. Heh heh heh. That'll teach him."
At work I've started programming a web page now. I think I have to take a class though if I want it to be a cool website. I just don't remember enough on my own. I'm trying to develop a user editable resource for our training class. No, not like a wiki-page. I just need a place where we can list the classes that we're working on. You may remember, with great detail, that I complained that an internal product that already existed was supposed to do that for us. Well, it sucks, so I'm inventing my own. Take that powers-that-be! It's fun though. Each time I figure something out it still makes me feel like I'm in college. I can almost hear the little trumpetting fanfair for victory when I make something work. (Da-dah dah dah dah da-da-dah!) (Think Final Fantasy victory music)
el paso,