Dec 09, 2005 06:58
Both the Daily Show and the Colbert Report had pieces yesterday on how there are some Christian groups that believe Christmas is being too secularized. (Actually, both shows were poking fun at Bill O'Reilly's piece on this.) However, on its own, this idea amuses the hell out of me. Please keep in mind that I'm getting this information from a questionable third source, but I find these Christians ridiculously stupid.
Christmas is too secular? They're upset that people are saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas?" They're upset that Walmart, the worlds largest anti-semitic store, is not pasting "Merry Christmas" everywhere? How can you be upset about that? Does anyone else remember what it was like 8 years ago? Does anyone else remember when people first starting saying, "Christmas is too focused on Christians. We need to make it P.C. by saying,'Happy Holidays.'"
I sure remember it. Now we have Christians that are claiming Christianity is under attack. This very idea really amuses me. Christmas is a Federal holiday. If that doesn't skew the line between church and state, I don't know what does. I kind of wish I read the news so I could keep up with these stories more, because they make me laugh.
Don't get me wrong. I know I'm a Jew now, but inside me still exists a small part of Christianity. It'll always be there. Well... actually, once my parents pass on, it might go away. But until then, Christmas is here to stay. I don't care if people say, "Merry Christmas," or "Happy Holidays." Either is fine with me. I also don't mind getting Christmas off as a federal holiday. Lets face it, if companies didn't give it as a holiday, people would just take it. We're talking about probably 75% of the American workforce taking a vacation day on Christmas. Might as well just make it a holiday.
Plus, I don't think making Christmas a holiday is unfair to Jews (or anyone else). Now, I do think there need to be some slightly better policies in place, but a day off is a day off. However, I would like it if I didn't have to burn a vacation day to get off on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur. Give me one for free. Christians get Christmas for free, so give jews one too. Of course, I just want my company to change their policy, not everyone has to.
Though, this "majority holiday" thing isn't limited to just Christmas. After all, in Skokie (and other Jew-rich areas of the country) the schools (and some businesses) are closed on Jewish holidays. It's a fair-ish system I think.
But what really bothers me in all this is that people are being offended that this country isn't Christian enough. That's not kosher. This country is, after all, run overrun by Christianity. If you think the government should do more to enforce Christianity, you're not understanding the point of our government. It should be that the government won't stop you from being a Christian, but it can't force you to be one.
Also, on a personal note, I resent the spell checker on livejournal. I resent the color red. I can't see that! I have no idea where these mispelled words are! It sure is nice that they're highlighted in red within my text so I can correct them, but I can't see red! It is, actually, really hard for me to see the color red on a computer monitor when its used in text. If it was bold and red, it would be easier. But there is so little red in normal text that it's almost impossible for me to spot. I wish it was blue.