Aug 15, 2004 19:40
? ? ? INFORMATION ? ? ?
Name: David Remington Nelson
Sex: Male
Birthday: 7-15-85
Sign: Cancer
Siblings: 1
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue, with a brown spot in one
Height: 5' 11"
? ? ? R E L A T I O N S H I P S ? ? ?
Who are your best friends?: Bob, Billy, Jaime, and Lauren
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Negative
? ? ? F A S H I O N | S T U F F ? ? ?
Where is your favorite place to shop: I don't really have one
Any piercings: Yup, 0g plugs and an industrial
Any tattoos: Yup, 2 doves on my back, a spiderweb on my left shoulder and batman on my left arm
? ? ? S P E C I F I C S ? ? ?
Do you do drugs?: Nope
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences
What are you most scared of?: Ask me, if you know me you know
What are you listening to right now?: ACDC, Judas Priest, Rancid
Who is the last person that called you?: Darlene
Where do you want to get married?: Fuck, I don't know
What would you change about yourself?: In then end...nothing
? ? ? F A V O R I T E S ? ? ?
Color: Blue or black
Food: Mexican, Italian, and German
? ? ? H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ? ? ?
Given anyone a bath?: Not that I can remember
Smoked?: Yup
Bungee jumped?: Hell no
Made yourself throw up?: Yup
Skinny dipped?: Yup
Ever been in love?: Yup
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Nope
Pictured your crush naked?: Oh yes
Actually seen your crush naked?: Uh huh
Cried when someone died?: Nope
Lied: Yup
Fallen for your best friend?: Yep
Been rejected?: Lots of times
Rejected someone?: A coulpe times
Used someone?: Never
Done something you regret?: Too many to count
? ? ? C U R R E N T ? ? ?
Clothes: Black Label shirt, blue shorts, and a watch
Music: CKY
Hair: Blone...?
Annoyance: None
Smell: None, I can't smell
Desktop picture: WRX
Book you're reading: Serial Killers: In The Minds
CD in player: Transplants
DVD in player: CBGB
? ? ? L A S T | P E R S O N ? ? ?
You touched: In what way? Haha
Hugged: Jenni
You imed: Erin
You yelled at: I don't remember
You kissed: Heh heh heh...wouldn't you like to know? ;o)
? ? ? A R E | Y O U ? ? ?
Understanding: Very
Open-minded: Yes
Arrogant: Nope
Insecure: Not really I could care less
Random: Haha when I want to be
Hungry: Yeah
Smart: Certain subjects
Moody: Nope
Hard working: Yup
Organized: In my own way
Healthy: Yeah
Shy: If I don't know you
Difficult: Extremely
Attractive: I don't think so
Bored easily: Yeah
Responsible: Sure
Obsessed: Nope
Angry: Nah
Sad: Not really
Happy: Yes!
Hyper: Not really
Trusting: Yes
Easily Embarassed: Nope
? ? ? W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ? ? ?
Kill?: I have a list...
Slap: Anyone who pisses me off
Get really wasted with?: Bob, Chris, Alison, dude if you're my friend...
Get high with: No one
Talk to offline: Friends
Talk to online: Friends
Sex it up with: No one in particular at the moment
? ? ? R A N D O M ? ? ?
In the morning I am: A zombie
All you need is: I wish I knew
Love is: Indescribable
I dream about: Whatever
Sexual preference: Girls
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: Eyes, smile, sense of humor and maybe the butt
? ? ? W H O ? ? ?
Makes you laugh the most: Bob or Billy
Makes you smile: Nobody
Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Nobody
? ? ? D O | Y O U | E V E R ? ? ?
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Negative
Save conversations: Nope
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Never
Wish you were younger: Nope
Cried because someone said something to you?: Probably not
? ? ? N U M B E R ? ? ?
Of times I have had my heart broken: I dunno, a few
Of hearts I have broken: A few
Of CD's I own: 100?
Of scars on my body: Not many, I have more broken bones than anyone I know though
Of things that I regret: Too many to list
Current Mood: Indifferent
Current Music: Green Day "Paper Lanterns"
:o) Have a nice day!