I Hope Someone Knows This One! Fic Request

Jun 11, 2012 05:01

Never posted here before... so here I go! I'm looking for a fic I read forever ago and it wasn't finished. The fic was kinda angsty if I remember right. The whole thing was that Joker was trying to get Bruce's attention because he "fell in love" with him. At the beginning, Joker was on the top of a building yelling for Bruce to come see him, and the news crews caught it. Bruce went as Batman and roughed Joker up a little, and the press made him look bad for it. Next, I think was that Bruce was on a date and Joker shows up in a dress at the restaurant. The whole thing was the beginning of their feelings for each other, and Bruce was fighting it. I think Bruce gave Joker a gift in the last chapter I read, that was put up. The Joker in a dress actually has art to go with it but I can't remember if it was by the same person. I've been wanting to read this since forever and I hope someone can help!

genre: angst, fanfic, rating: r, rating: nc17, fanart

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