Title: By A Thread
Author: Mukanshin
Rating: G
Pairing: Bruce/Batman x Joker Batman, Joker
Word Count: Approx. 753
Disclaimer: Batman & The Joker are sadly not mine. *crie*
Warnings: None really. Shortness? Almost not quite smex?
Summary: Bruce has a question.
Status: In progress. Eventually.
Beta: Me, Myself & I.
A/N: So naturally I was reading fik notes for a completely different fik when they unexpectedly merged into the notes for this fik and well... this one won out, kinda. This isn't completely finished in the sense that the fik as a whole has no set direction at the moment, but this can stand on it's own, even if it ends kind of abruptly which in a way is kind of apt and fitting and since I felt the need to post it as is, here it be.
"Hesitating, suddenly unsure of his question or the want of an answer Bruce studies the man beside him, his eyes tracing the smeared patterns in the Jokers makeup."