Apr 24, 2009 10:52

Title: Virtuous Sinner
Character: Joker/Bruce
Ratings: R
Warnings: Slash, Profanity, Rape, and Violence
Disclaimer: Do not own Joker/Bruce
Summary: This story takes place before Jack fully becomes the Joker. He's been creating some chaos, but needs an answer to a question that has been consuming him.

I was inspired by Reeniecat's story To Belong, To Be Lost. Here is the link:

Now on with the show! ENJOY!!!

Jack was irate. He paced the hall waiting for his prey to come walking through the front door. Biting his lip and fingering the blade that lay quietly in his pocket, he became even angrier as he wondered, how could Bruce have treated him so viciously? Even though it had been six months ago, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell happened? He had tried to put the pathetic millionaire out of his mind, but everything came back to him. His thoughts were consumed by the arrogant prick, every little thing he did, every job, all the blood he spilled, all of it, was for him.

Damn that son of a bitch!

A tiny pearl of blood formed on his bottom lip as his black eyes fell upon a picture of Bruce and a chuckle from the depths of darkness escaped his ruby lips. His pink tongue caressed his lower pad and while savoring the coppery taste, he felt a twinge of disgust devour his immoral soul. He yearned to wipe that smug smile off his pretty boy face. Memories of the other night came crashing through his distraught mind.

She’ll never please him the way I did and sooner or later, she’ll run away just like all the others.

He continued strolling down the hallway glancing at all of the photos decorating the wall. Family and friends he never knew, God he was pitiful. He would never let go of the guilt that destroys everything he could be.

Somehow, someday, somewhere.

Then, he stopped. His breath hitched as his mouth fell open. He walked closer to the picture that held the key to the past. Their past. His purple gloved fingers reached slowly out to touch the two men smiling back. Snapshots of that night flooded his iniquitous brain and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

“ Happy Birthday Jack.”

“I can’t believe you brought me here.”

Smiling Bruce said, “Well you’ve always said how you love magic, jokes, and stage make-up, not to mention the fact that for the past week all you have talked about is The Magic Castle, so where else did you expect me to take you?”

Grabbing his hand and squeezing it he said, “Well, then all those hints worked their magic, didn’t they?”

Laughing the two men enjoyed their dinner. When they were finished a gruesome looking clown came walking up to them.

“Now which one of you is the Birthday boy, HMMM?”
Jack was mesmerized. The clown’s face was painted stark white, with kohl back rings around his eyes, and a slash of red paint swiped across his lips and exaggerated upwards in a jagged pattern. Rendered speechless, Jack’s heart was beating a thousand times a minute.

Glancing over at Jack, Bruce couldn’t help but feel the swelling pride building inside him as he knew this was probably the best present Jack had ever received.

Pointing to Jack, Bruce announced, “That would be him.”

With a dark smile the hideous clown pulled out a deck and whispered, “Pick a card.”

Jack did as he was told. The Joker. He showed the card to Bruce.

“Now place it back in the deck.”

Once again, Jack did as he was told.

While shuffling the deck, the ghastly clown looked at Jack and asked, “Are you having a good time?”

Jack just nodded.

He began spreading out the cards on the table and covered them with newspaper.

“That’s good.” And all of a sudden he pulled out a switchblade and with the touch of a button, the blade jutted out inches from Jack’s face, “cause if you weren’t, we would have a problem, wouldn’t we?”

Jack’s mouth went dry and all he could do was stare at the steely instrument.

The grisly clown took the knife and raised it high above Jack’s head and let it drop onto the stack of cards below. He ripped the newspaper away, revealing a card that was stabbed. Lifting the knife, he presented it to Jack with a smile.

“I believe this is your card.”

The Joker.

Jack’s belly was filled with the heat of excitement, bursting to know how this trick was done. Both Bruce and Jack clapped, and while the clown nodded, he gathered his things and sauntered off without a word.

Jack was suddenly brought back to the present as he heard a key inserted into the lock. Gathering his wits, he shuffled down the hall swallowed by the darkness.

kink: non-con, fanfic, rating: r, chaptered story: virtuous sinner, author: jokerluv

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