Painting of the Joker from the killing joke

Apr 03, 2009 16:36

So this is my painting of the joker I promised I'd post nearby, so here it is!!!

I'm so sad I can't have this on my wall TT_TT I'll have to sell it on auction TT_TT Darn kids needing money on developing country!!!
Please feel free to tell me what you like.
I specially like the background (awesome sliding colors!) and hair.
I think I didn't do se well with the face, but now it looks much better :DD
Please tell your opinition!
(And I thought I can't paint, this is probably my thirth, certainly belove tenth, painting, and look how good I already are)
This is the painting I'm most proud of... So far.

No ratings... I made myself... etc etc...

rating: g, artist: lollingdreamer, fanart

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