Team Knight- Round 3- Fic (The Joker and the Dog pt. 2)

Feb 26, 2009 21:13

The Joker sat on the edge of Bruce Wayne’s bed and watched as Alfred administered another dose of tranquilizers. It was the only way to keep the man from bolting. And he also needed his rest to fight off the infection.

Lucius Fox had taken a sample of his blood, he was now trying to work on something to help Bruce combat the Lycan’s virus. The Joker refused to leave his side. He wanted to be here, near his man.  Alfred had agreed to let him stay. It figured, the one time the Joker was actually allowed to be in Bruce’s bedroom, on his bed, and the man was going to be no fun whatsoever.

He’d thought that once he found his Bat, everything would go back to normal. They’d fight, then they’d rip each other’s clothes off and fuck, and it would start all over again.

But now he didn’t want that. He’d seen and heard Bruce’s reaction to Lucian.

He wanted his Bat to look at him like that, to lust after him so badly it hurt. What kind of luck was it that all this lust the Bat possessed was aimed at someone who couldn’t take it?  That when the Joker was finally being the man that the Bat had wanted him to be in the past, he wasn’t even paying attention to it!

The virus was screwing with the Bat’s head, but even before this, he had never had such an all-consuming lust like this for him. The Joker was here! Right now! And he was more than willing to do whatever his Bat wanted him to. But his Bat didn’t even look at him except to ask him, no beg him to take him back to Lucian.

That was beginning to piss the Joker off.

He thought that any other time, he would use this opportunity to mess with the Bat a bit. Tell him that if he did what the Joker wanted, he’d take him back to the Lycan. But even he couldn’t do that. Not now, not after seeing how the Bat ached for the other, moaning and clawing at his own skin, even under medication.

“You need to fight!” the Joker hissed. “Fight and quit being so weak! Use that strength, your people need you! Gotham City needs you!”

He laid down beside his enemy and rested his head near the Bat’s on the pillow. “I need you...” he whispered.

In the days that followed the Joker began to lose hope. The Bat was losing his battle, his fever was worse and he was almost delirious at times. At other times he seemed to be coherent, and the butler seemed to take heart from that, even though they were few and far between.

The butler had left to get more medicine and talk to Fox so the Joker just laid on the bed and stared at the Bat, wishing he would just wake up and be fine already. He didn’t understand the whole infected thing, but he knew the strength of the man beside him, and if he really wanted to be better, he would’ve been by now.

It was because the man wanted to be with the werewolf that he hadn’t gotten better yet.

The Joker’s fingers traced the well-muscled chest absently. How he missed this body, missed it rearing above him, crushing him into the bed...

Missed it throwing him into walls, down stairs, through glass...

He looked up to see the green gaze of the man staring back at him, his eyes hot and full of lust.

“Touch me...” he rasped.

The Joker grinned. This was the Bat he missed. The one who demanded to be touched, who told the other what to do, and how.

So he touched him, he fondled the other’s body until both of them were hot and panting like dogs in heat. The Bat had pulled off the Joker’s clothes and slid out of his pyjama bottoms. Then he did something that shocked the Joker. He turned over and spread his legs, up on his knees and elbows.

“What the hell are you doing?” The Joker asked.

“Fuck me.” The Bat hissed.

The Joker just stared at him. He’d never, NEVER, let the Joker mount him. He was always the one doing the fucking, which was fine with the Joker, he had never even dreamed of fucking the Bat. Well, okay, maybe he had dreamed about it...but he had never thought it would actually happen. The Bat didn’t like giving up that kind of power, that kind of control.

“Do it! Need you inside me...” his voice was hoarse and pained.

The Joker was puzzled but his cock was definitely interested and who knew, this could be his lucky day, the day that the whole power dynamic in their relationship changed. More even, more...balanced.

He pushed inside the Bat’s body, his own mind almost overloading at the feeling of the hot tight sheath around him. He began to thrust, and the Bat pushed back at him, wanting more, wanting him deeper. His voice urged him on, and soon the Joker didn’t care how weird it was, he just wanted to enjoy this ride.

They moved together like two dancers, their moves choreographed and beautiful. Over and over the Joker thrust into his lover’s body as the other pushed back to meet him. Their panting breaths filled the room as sweat began to moisten their bodies.

The Joker was close, he could feel it.

His whole body was tensed and poised to break and at the sudden tightening of the Bat’s ass around his cock, he moaned and began shooting inside the other man. “Yes...fill me...” the Bat moaned.

The Joker kept coming and then it was over and he was pulling out, still trying to believe it had happened. He touched the Bat’s back and shoulders lightly and almost lovingly.

“That was incredible.” He said softly, almost shyly.

The Bat was still shaking under him and the Joker smiled. “I guess I’m better than I thought.”

Then he heard the gasping and he turned the Bat over quickly. His face was turning blue and he wasn’t able to breathe.

His eyes were glassy, and seeing something that the Joker now realized wasn’t him.  His mouth opened and gasped, “Lucian....”

The Joker leapt up, helplessly staring as the Bat began to suffocate in front of him. What was wrong with him? He shrieked for help and was rewarded by the pounding of feet. The butler ran in with Fox, both still in their coats and shoes, faces flushed from the coolness outside.

“What did you do!?” Alfred roared.

Fox rummaged in a kit beside the bed and pulled out an epi-pen, plunging it into Bruce Wayne’s leg. The effect was immediate. He began to breathe again and Alfred waved the Joker to the other side of the room.

“Well?” Alfred demanded, glaring at him.

“I didn’t do anything!” the Joker exclaimed.

Alfred raised his eyes in amazement and at the same moment the Joker realized he was still naked. He grabbed a robe from one of the chairs and put it on.

“He begged me to. He wanted me to touch him, then he begged me to ...he’s never done that before! I wasn’t going to say no.” The Joker told him stubbornly.

Fox walked up and said, “I think we should move him to the Batcave. I can do more tests, and monitor him more closely. Plus there’s more emergency equipment there. If he has another allergic reaction...”

“Allergic reaction?” Alfred was incredulous. “The only thing Master Wayne is allergic to is shellfish, and it isn’t an anaphylactic allergy, he just gets sick.”

“Well, he just had his throat close up and his chest is covered with hives. I’ve injected him with an anti-histamine, and they’re fading. He had an allergic reaction, a severe one.”

“To what?”

Fox looked at the Joker thoughtfully. “I’ll have to do some tests, but I think he had a reaction to you.”

“To me?” the Joker seemed offended.

“To your semen.  I’m assuming you didn’t use a condom.” Fox said coolly.

“It wasn’t exactly a planned thing...” the Joker tried to defend himself.

“I think his body rejected your semen, and attacked it, like an invader.” Fox said quietly. “It only wants one thing, and it will only accept one thing.”

The Joker frowned. “It’s that THING, it infected him and now it’s all he wants? And if he doesn’t get it?”

Fox shook his head. “I don’t know, but we may find out the hard way.”

The move to the Batcave was done that afternoon, and once Bruce was settled, Alfred went to get food and drink to stock the cave with, and the Joker pouted in a corner of the room they had his Bat lying in.

“Can’t you just give him a rabies shot or something.” The Joker asked plaintively.

“What?” Fox asked looking over his shoulder at him.

“A rabies shot. He’s infected with some virus, right? Can’t you just immunize him?”

Fox sat and was silent, and the Joker imagined the man was just ignoring him, the way the butler did. Then about 10 min. later, he rose and began typing on his computer, muttering to himself. “It just may...”

Two hours later, he sat up. “Can you find that place again, where this Lycan leader is?”

“Sure, but...”

“I need a sample of his blood, or better yet, his semen, but either will do.” Fox said quickly.

The Joker rose and was on his way in no time flat, prodding the butler, who had just came back. “Come on, Jeeves, you’re giving me a lift.”

The Lycan tunnels were empty, and the Joker began to fear they were all gone. But when he walked into Lucian’s area, he saw a light still on.

The Lycan was with the large black one and they were discussing how the last wave was going to leave. They turned, smelling the Joker and Lucian raised his eyebrows. “Why aren’t you with him? Shouldn’t you be watching him?”

“It’s not going so well. guy needs a sample of your blood, or your...juice. Your choice.”

“Lucian! We cannot just give our blood to humans. Who knows what they could do with it!” Raze’s voice sent shivers down the Joker’s spine.

Lucian sighed. “Take the last group. I will meet you.”

“Lucian, if something goes wrong...”

“I will handle it. Go. We cannot wait any longer. “

The Lycan turned to the Joker. “Come, take me to him.”

When  Lucian entered the Batcave, he was amazed at the size of it, and of its contents. Bruce had definitely used his wealth well. These were the weapons and machinery that helped turn a human into a hero who was much more.

“I’m Lucius Fox. I work for Mr. Wayne.” The older man shook Lucian’s hand.

“I am Lucian. The...clown...says you need my blood. I must know what you intend to do with it.” Lucian’s voice was soft, reasonable and the Joker could see Fox had trouble believing this was a werewolf.

“I’m trying to build a prophylaxis shot that acts similar to the rabies immuniglobin and fights the virus you carry. But I need to study the virus in you first.” Fox answered evenly.

Lucian nodded. “That makes sense. Very well. Take what you need.” He held out his arm and Fox withdrew enough blood to test.

“Where is he?” Lucian asked quietly.

“In the room at the end of the hall.” Fox answered, pointing.

Lucian turned and looked then said, “I would like to see him, if you have no objections.”

“I think, under the circumstances, we can allow that.” Fox agreed.

Lucian walked down and entered the room. He gazed at Bruce’s sweaty torso and sighed, moving to the bed quickly. His hand rested on his forehead and Bruce moaned then looked at him blearily.

“Is it you?” he mumbled.

“It is I. The clown came to get me, your Mr. Fox is trying to build an antidote, and they needed my blood.” Lucian told him.

“Just be with me, or take me with you. I don’t care anymore. I want to be with you. I don’t care if I change. Please...” Bruce’s hand clutched his fervently.

“It’s not right. You have a place here, you are needed here. Perhaps, in time...” Lucian shrugged.

“I burn inside, it’s a pain I have never felt before, like a cancer gnawing away at me.  You can make it better, don’t you care about me at all?” Bruce demanded harshly.

“It’s because I care that I can do nothing. You were meant for better things that to be a cursed immortal. I...cannot keep you with me for my own selfish desires. It would be wrong.”

“All I see in my dreams is you...”

Lucian smiled, his hand smoothing Bruce’s hair back. “I know. I see you every night as well. It’s a gift.”

“Please don’t leave me.” Bruce pleaded.

“I’m going to wait and see how Mr. Fox does. I will wait until we know whether the antidote works or not.” Lucian promised.

“Oh goodie!” The Joker drawled from behind them. “This is going to be fun.”

“Stop.” The man in the bed ordered and such was the tone in his voice that the Joker immediately clammed up and sat down. It was a different tone than the one the man used with Lucian and he was amazed to see the change in him. Truly he was two different men.

Only one was his and it wasn’t the vigilante, the strong one. It was the weaker personality of the two, and Lucian knew that his choice to send Bruce back had been correct. The Bat was the one this city needed, the one that the clown belonged to. Perhaps that was why he hadn’t been able to fight off the virus, because Bruce was weaker, and it was that part that loved Lucian. If it had been the Bat, the one that loved and hated the clown, he would’ve been able to fight the virus off.

It was nonsense, but Lucian felt that it was probably accurate.

It took many hours and tests but finally Fox administered his serum, then a couple hours later, did it again. The change was subtle at first. His fever dropped, then he began to sleep normally, his heart rate went back to normal, then when Fox checked his blood, his cell count was normal again as well.

He awoke in the morning, only Lucian by his side. The Joker was asleep in the corner. He could hear Lucius and Alfred in the other room, making food.

The Lycan leader was watching him, a small regretful smile on his face.

“Thank you.” Bruce said quietly.


“For sending me back, and for coming back to help Lucius find a cure. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes,” Lucian smiled softly, “I did.”

Bruce lowered his gaze for a moment then looked up again. “That’s good to know.” He admitted.

“You doubted my feelings?”

“I knew my own were...passionate and out of control. But you...”

“Inside, mine were worse.” Lucian assured him wryly. “But I am much older than you. I know...too much.”

“I’m sorry. I wanted it to be otherwise, but as you said, my place is here, I have a job to do.”

“And you will do it admirably.” Lucian agreed.

“Perhaps someday when I’m done, when I’m not needed this much anymore...if you tell me where you are, where you’re going...” he said hopefully.

“I will...drop you a line...let you know where I am, but I don’t imagine it is likely we will see each other for a very long time.”

He didn’t say, “If ever.” Though Bruce saw it in his eyes.

“I must go.” Lucian said briskly. “My clan is awaiting me, and I have far to travel.”

“I could stay...”

Both knew that wasn’t a possibility. The part of him that would want the Lycan to stay wasn’t strong enough to resist the lure of the Lycan, and would end up endangering all the Batman had built. And the Batman was too focussed on his mission to let himself be swayed by love, no matter how much he might crave it. The Bat was strong, and he had his...own issues to deal with.

As if on cue, the Joker stretched and mumbled to himself in his sleep.

“Be careful.” Lucian warned smiling at the clown and shaking his head.

“I have it...under control.” Batman answered.

Lucian nodded and he bent, kissing the soft lips one last time, then he was gone, and when the Joker sat up, they were alone.

He crawled up to the bed and slid in beside his Bat.

“Feeling better now?” he purred. He was happy now. The dog was gone, the antidote had worked and luck was finally going his way.


“I was worried.” The Joker confided.

“Why? A city without me too easy for you to wreak havoc in?” Batman questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“It would just be so boring...” the Joker smiled and played with Batman’s hair. “No one to smack me down, tell me no. No boundaries aren’t good for men like me...we get...crazy.”

“I think that ship sailed awhile ago.”

“That’s not nice.” The Joker tut-tutted. “I missed you, you know. And all the time you wanted to be with”


“Doesn’t matter. He’s gross, and OLD! He’s even older than Jeeves!” the Joker exclaimed loudly.

There was the sound of a thump and Alfred’s annoyed tones saying something that sounded like, “Bugger off.”

“Lucian is very special. And he could’ve killed you, easily, so show a little respect.”

“You wouldn’t have let him kill me.” The Joker said confidently, snuggling close to the strong body.

“Of course not...” But Batman’s eyes were pained, as though he realized that in the state he’d been in, he might’ve. That if given the choice between staying with Lucian or having the Joker killed, he may have chosen...

No. He wouldn’t believe it. The Joker was...special to him. They had a mutually satisfying relationship, and Batman loved that the expectations were minimal. He didn’t have to give his heart and soul to the Joker, as he would’ve with Lucian.

He didn’t have to worry about tomorrow or the next day with the Joker, it was always changing. They fought, they fucked, then they fought again. One day, they might accidently kill each other, but never on purpose, they enjoyed the game too much.

The Joker fed his purpose, the Batman’s purpose. He gave him a reason for being what he was. He gave him validation for giving up the rest of his life for his crusade.

Batman slid his arm around the Joker’s thin body and closed his eyes. By tomorrow the Joker would be gone again, plotting some sort of evil and Batman would chase him, and catch him, and they would play their cat and mouse game again. And the Joker would believe nothing had changed.

Batman would clean up his streets, making them safe for his people, and life would go on.

And Bruce Wayne would...wait for the end...patiently...

chaptered story: the joker and the dog, fanfic, team knight, author: nikki6, genre: crossover, knight vs anarchy round 3, rating: nc17

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