Title: Little By Little
holisticalice Prompt: "Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall."~ Measure for Measure (Act II, scene i)
Characters: Harvey Dent, Joker
Pairings: subtle Batman/Joker
Rating: PG, PG-13
Word Count: 1,024
Summary: You ever wonder what happened after Harvey flipped that coin? The movie jumps straight to the Joker blowing the hospital up.
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Comments 6
I always thought the Joker couldn't be without any plan.
I like how you wrote it and I absolutely love the Joker/Batman hints. =D
I think I've got it pinned down though. He's sincere when he tells Harvey that it wasn't personal. Lying when he says he doesn't have a plan. Sincere when he says he's an agent of chaos. Then worried when he says "now we're talking".
But then again, he's the Joker. Even he doesn't know if what he's saying is true or not.
Then he tells Harvey he's not a schemer. Seemed funny to me, I don't know.
This was superb, love it.
Oh and I loved this ;)
"Hopefully, by tonight, on top of Batman as well."
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