Title: Dangerous
Author: Tyleet27
Rating: NC-17. Perhaps a bit disturbing, edges around non-con.
Prompt:61. Batman remains the same, but the Joker is genderbent into a woman. Cue the tabloids' cry of 'ABUSE! ABUSE!' and feminists psychoanalyzing the hell out of female!Joker and Batman--just Gotham's general reaction to their Guardian routinely
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I'm glad you liked that she wears the same clothes, too--I was a bit worried about that, since I too loved the idea of overlithe's gypsy! Joker. But I see her as liking those clothes because they do for a female Joker what they do for a male Joker only times twenty--showcase tracks not lining up. She's a petite woman but she dresses in men's formal wear. She dresses in men's formal wear, but she wears it in shades of lavender. She's a petite blonde, but she dyes her hair green. She speaks in a high pitched, nasally voice, but she has a deep, rumbling laugh/snarl.
I also wanted to keep her sexually ambiguous: Male Joker comes across as both masculine and feminine through his clothing; I wanted FemJoker to do the same, and it just seemed harder to do with a "masculine" dress than by keeping the feminine suit.
Anyway, I'm happy you liked it! And I just want to let you know that yes, we do need to discuss Buffy more at length, and I am totally going to reply to your rambles as soon as I get enough time to properly go over them and actually respond. : )
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