Secret Santa Challenge Fic- Prompt 24- Bondage and Non-con

Dec 21, 2008 15:52

Title: Breaking the Joker
Author: nikki6 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Summary: This was the prompt: Bondage and noncon. The Joker gets tied up (or handcuffed or straitjacketed, you get the idea, seriously restrained) and Batman rapes him. And the Joker doesn't like it. No romance, please. Full Joker regalia (makeup and suit) would be much appreciated.

I tried to do my best, it's a little twisted. This is a warning to any who don't like harder stuff, don't read this. It's a little harsh in places....Everyone else, enjoy.

“I’m so very sorry, Mr. Wayne.”  Lucius Fox patted Bruce Wayne’s arm and moved on sadly. He’d lost a very good friend today, but it wasn’t even close to what Bruce had lost.

Another half hour of the same kinds of platitudes rang in Bruce’s ears but he barely heard them, it was as though he was watching another person with his face thank the mourners who had came to bury his oldest friend.

It was as though Bruce Wayne was dead too.

Bruce sat in his chair at Wayne Manor and mechanically ate his dinner. The new butler was young, and quiet. He was almost invisible at times, which Bruce actually appreciated. He didn’t want to speak if he didn’t have to. It was too much work to form the words for a civil conversation. He was waiting for the night, anticipating it, almost tasting it.

When Bruce had come home to find the servants crying, he had known it was bad. Then he had looked for Alfred, and his heart had stopped. The housekeeper told him that Commissioner Gordon was in the study and his leaden feet had carried him there.

“Mr. Wayne.” Jim had nodded to him. “Please sit down.”

“What’s happened.  Tell me.” Bruce had demanded without preamble.

“Your butler, Alfred Pennyworth, was found down the road, he’d been out for a walk, apparently he does this daily?”  Jim paused and Bruce nodded impatiently. Alfred walked every day, it kept him young, he said.

“He was tied to a tree, and...killed.”

Bruce heard the pause. “How?” His voice was steel.

“The details aren’t really...” Jim told him, but Bruce’s voice rang out harshly and Jim Gordon froze.


“He was stabbed, repeatedly, and a smile was carved into his mouth. We think it may be the work of...”

“The Joker.” Bruce’s eyes were cold and dark.


Bruce had gone to identify the body, and had spent a good hour there, just staring at his mentor’s slashed face, and picturing how much it must’ve hurt , over and over. He didn’t cry, tears would come later, first he had to find the Joker, and do what he should’ve done so many times in the past. He needed to put the clown in the ground, forever.

It hadn’t been hard to find him, actually. When the Batman started beating people in the Narrows who were known to be associates of the Joker, not relenting even when the people were begging, letting them see the edges of his rage, it took very little time to be told where the man’s hideout was.

He walked in, and within seconds, the Joker’s henchmen had either been taken out, or had run for their lives. The clown himself was smiling. “You’re a busy boy tonight. I hear you’ve been looking for little old me. Why is that....Bruce?”

The Batman just kept moving toward him. How the Joker knew who he was didn’t matter, not anymore. He grabbed the Joker and hit him hard, then dragged the man’s limp body up to hit him again. They were eye to eye and the Joker tried to spit at him. “Oh, so upset about your butler? I know he raised you and all, but ....” then his tone and face changed. “Was there something else in the relationship that I haven’t seen? Just you and him all those years...”

The Batman growled and slammed him down so hard the Joker’s collarbone made a definite snap sound. He howled but laughed too. “Those English are kind of limp-wristed...aren’t they?”

“Maybe you like boys, I hear you can’t get it up with women.” The Bat hissed in his ear.

The Joker’s eyes narrowed. “Sex is unnecessary. It’s for the ignorant masses who try to ignore the chaos around them. “

“Really. Good excuse, for a eunuch.” The Bat smiled harshly, knowing he’d hit a nerve.

“I’m not a eunuch. Just because I’m not filling my bed with bimbos like some, Brucie.”

“I guess you’ll have to be my bimbo tonight.”

There was silence then the Joker turned and looked at Bruce in actual fear. “What did you say?”

Batman laughed, as he tied the Joker with some rope to the rafters, leaving the man with his hands above his head, then his feet so that in the end his hands and feet were above him, and he was swinging in mid-air, moaning at the pain his collarbone was in.

The Bat took his hand and stroked the Joker’s ass lightly, causing him to jerk and swear. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I told you, you’re my bimbo tonight.” The Bat told him quietly.

“You can’t, you wouldn’t!”

“Can, and will.”

His hand stroked between the Joker’s legs and found his enemy’s cock. It was small, and insignificant, and the Bat laughed harder, jerking it hard between his gloved fingers. “Nice.” He commented sarcastically, “it’s becoming clearer why you don’t like sex.”

“Fuck you.”

“With this?” he slapped the Joker’s member and chuckled. “I doubt I’d feel a thing.”

He moved between the Joker’s legs and with ripped his pants down the middle, then cut the underwear off, leaving the man’s legs covered, but his cock and ass hanging out, easy to play with.

“I think you’re going to feel something though.” He commented, undoing his midsection and pulling out his cock. He stroked it, letting the Joker see its hard length.  The clown’s eyes were blinking rapidly. “You...can’t.”

“Yes, I can. I’m going to hurt you so bad that you’re going to beg me to die.”

He moved between the Joker’s legs and with his fingers he pushed at the man’s entrance. It was tight, virginal, and the Bat smiled again. Good.

He pushed his dripping cock up against the hole and the Joker screamed as the head breached his entrance and continued on inside him. “NO!!! Aaaaahh....”

The Bat kept pushing, feeling the tight walls give way to his thick cock. He pushed until his balls were flush against the Joker’s body, and the Joker’s body shook as he tried to push his enemy away.

The Batman pulled back out halfway, then thrust back in, swinging the Joker by the ropes, letting the momentum push his cock deeper.

“Stop!!!” The Joker screamed. “It’re ripping me...”

But there was no stopping now. Batman set up a rhythm, swinging his enemy back and forth while he reamed his insides with his cock. He saw the Joker’s tears and felt a sense of joy, so he fucked him harder, slamming inside him as the Joker’s cries became screams again. His gloved hand came to roughly stroke the Joker’s soft cock again and soon it was hard, which really seemed to put the Joker over the edge.

“No!! Don’t make me...Don’t touch me!!” he screamed. “It’s’re not to touch...never touch....”

The Joker’s cock started to weep liquid and the Batman leaned over, “Are you getting excited? Are you going to come all over yourself because you love my cock inside you so much?”

“Nooooo....” the Joker whimpered, but  as soon as the Bat started to work his enemy’s prostate, that was it.  The Joker moaned and began to roll his hips, almost involuntarily.

When he got close to coming, the Bat slowed his thrusts, then stopped, just letting his cock slide out. The Joker moaned and his eyes fluttered. “Don’t...oh why...”

The Bat smiled. “Beg me for it. Beg me for my cock.”

“No...” but the Joker’s voice was weak, his hips still trying to push up into the hand that held his dripping cock.

“Beg me...” the Bat stroked his fingers over the Joker’s bleeding hole, letting his fingertip slip inside a bit, then pulling it out to tease the hole some more.

The Joker’s breaths were gasps and finally he just moaned. “Please...”

“Please what?”

“Let me... put it back...” the Joker groaned as Batman slid his finger all the way inside. “Inside...”

“Like this?” The finger moved in and out rapidly, fucking him, but it wouldn’t be enough, and he knew it.

“More...” the Joker’s voice was strained.

“Oh, like this...?”

The Joker screamed as the hard cock penetrated him again, then his screams became moans as his cock was stroked again and his ass was tight around the thickness. He jerked his narrow hips up and then he cried out as his cock began to spurt his cum all over the gloved hand and his stomach. His ass tightened around the Batman in spasms and the Bat groaned and pushed in hard. His cock swelled and the Joker’s eyes opened with terror.

“No...don’t come inside me...” he shrieked, but he could already feel it, feel the Bat’s hot juice scalding his insides, bathing them in his seed.

The Bat slowly pulled out, his cock covered in semen and blood and other vile matter. He cut the Joker’s hands down and hoisted his feet up higher so he was upside-down.

“My seed is inside you, and by the time you get cut down, it will be part of you.”


“And now...” he pulled the Joker’s face to his crotch, smearing the clown makeup over himself. “Clean your filth off of me.”

“Go to hell!”

“If you don’t, I’ll do much worse things to you, and maybe I’ll invite other people too.” The Bat promised him. “Now suck!”

He pushed his cock in the Joker’s mouth and the other gagged, then slowly began to lick him, gagging and throwing up as he finished.

Batman tucked himself back in, then looked at the whimpering, ruined man in front of him.

“You loved it, and you know it.” The Bat hissed. The Joker began to shake his head in rage as the tears coursed down his cheeks.

“Maybe we’ll do this again.” Batman said slowly, “Maybe we’ll do this every time you kill someone.”

“I’ll kill you for this.” The Joker hissed with hatred.

The Batman turned and looked at him. He meant it, there was no doubt in the Batman’s mind. He smiled and walked back up and slid his hand down the Joker’s open thighs and then slid his gloved fingers over the Joker’s torn hole.

The Joker moaned. “Don’t touch me.”

The Bat slid his fingers inside again, first one, then two, then 3. The Joker was starting to moan loudly, but that was nothing to the sound he made when the Bat put his fingers together and started pushing inside him.

“What are you doing?” the Joker’s voice was panicked and pained. “What....noooooo.”  his shriek ended in almost a scream as his ass was stretched open and the Bat cupped his fingers to get his thumb inside as well. He pushed hard and the Joker screamed again as the hand slowly pushed deeper inside, past his sphincter.

When the hand was all the way inside the Bat looked at the Joker’s face, at the tears running down it, and smiled at him. “My hand is all the way inside you. I’m going to make sure you never forget tonight, or what I can do to you if you push me.”

He started to move his hand in and out, getting deeper and deeper as the Joker screamed and once he was up to the spikes in his gloves he turned his hand and started massaging the Joker’s prostate again. The Joker’s penis became hard instantly, and he blubbered as it started to leak, the black around his eyes dripping streaking over his forehead.

“No....” he wailed.

But the Batman worked him mercilessly until he came, his cum dripping down the front of him, then pulled his hand out, noting how the Joker’s ripped entrance just gaped now. It would take a bit to go back to normal now.

He bent to look at the Joker’s face, it was barely recognizable, in fact there was hardly any greasepaint left now, it was as though the Joker had been slowly erased this night.

“Don’t forget me now...” he whispered darkly, then he walked out, leaving the Joker for his men to find and cut down. That would make for an interesting scene as well, but he had no wish to see it.

The Joker was humiliated and broken, and for the man who used to be Bruce Wayne, it was only the beginning.

kink: non-con, fanfic, secret santa 2008 fic, one-shot fic, kink: bondage, author: nikki6, rating: nc17

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