Secret Santa Challenge Fic- Prompt #6- I Will Bring Fire To Thee

Dec 21, 2008 15:23

Title: I Will Bring Fire To Thee
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Fandom: Nolanverse
Rating: pg
Disclaimer: None is mine, all belongs to DC and Nolan.

Summary: A chance comment rains down destruction on Gotham. I had some real issues with this prompt...I don't know why. I tried to get my idea out, but I don't know that I succeeded. Hopefully its okay.

I will bring fire to bear on thee, and pay no heed to thy
entreaties.- Euripides

It began with fire....

The front doors of Arkham Asylum had exploded. Literally. The warden in his little security cubicle watched the security tape again. One moment the doors were there, there was a flash of light, then flames, then a gaping hole.

The hole didn’t remain empty for long, of course. Soon it was filled with men dressed as clowns, and the warden hit the emergency button that sent an alarm to two places. One to Commissioner Gordon’s office, another to the arch nemesis of the man who strode through the doors on the screen now, his clown make-up bright and his garish suit shiny and new.

The Joker had returned to Arkham.

The Joker was smiling but underneath the smile was some bitterness. As if he was breaking ‘into’ Arkham. He spent more time than he cared to think about breaking ‘out’ of this place. Now he had to break in?

Well, in truth, he didn’t have to. He’d made the decision to after careful consideration, and after being taunted and ridiculed and .....

“What should we do next, Joker?” one of his henchman asked. “The building is secure, all the guards and the warden are locked in their security center, the prisoners are in their cells.”

“Set the charges.” The Joker answered. Honestly, you had to explain everything to these idiots. He wondered if he were making a mistake doing this. After all, if all the half-decently intelligent criminals were wiped out, this is what he’d be stuck working with....

He took a walk down the cell blocks and sighed. He went to the control panel and unlocked one of the doors. It swung open and the young inhabitant stepped out.  He glanced curiously at the Joker. “Should I even ask?” his voice was soft and mild.

“No. Just go.” The Joker snapped.

“As you say.”

And the Joker watched as the former doctor, now inmate,  of Arkham walked out of the facility. The Scarecrow was probably the most intelligent criminal in here, he deserved a better fate that dying in his cell.

But the rest...the Joker grinned, and capered down the hall, showing them the detonator and waving good-bye to them. Most were too mad to even notice it, or care but a couple knew and they started to pound on their doors, and their screams were music to the ears of the laughing clown.

The police had arrived, as had their watchdog, the Joker could see him, dark and tall, standing by Commissioner Gordon. They were probably discussing reasons behind this, possible ways to get in without being seen. It would end up the same way; the Joker didn’t know why they bothered discussing anything.

A few moments later, the Joker smiled. “And here he comes.” He chuckled. The caped crusader was walking toward the asylum alone, of course. He would negotiate, as usual.

Big surprise.

The Joker let him come inside, meeting him alone in one of the cement halls. It was dark and cold. Like the Bat himself.

“What’s this all about?” the Bat demanded in that voice.

“Oh, stop it, it’s just me here.” The Joker told him, shaking his head.

“Fine.” The voice became that of the billionaire as he removed the cowl. “What’s wrong now?” he leaned against the wall and regarded the Joker curiously.

“You should know.”

“I should?” the Bat was honestly confused. He tried to remember what this could possibly be about and then he started to laugh. It was a beautiful sound, after all, there was very little about Bruce Wayne that was ugly...all the ugliness was saved for the Batman.

“You can’t be serious.” The Batman told him. “It was a joke. You, of all people, can’t take a joke?”

“I can, when it’s funny. You meant yours.” The Joker hated how petulant his voice sounded.

“Come on now...” the Bat began, but the Joker held up his hand.

“You told me that you’d locked up smarter criminals than me!”

“You’re being ridiculous.” The Bat told him, shaking his head. This is why you didn’t attempt to have post-coital conversations with a madman. They ended up turning out like this.

He knew he shouldn’t have let himself get drawn into the conversation as soon as the Joker had said, “Have you ever gone against anyone even half as smart as me?” in that coy little voice of his.

Truthfully, Bruce had thought to himself, the Joker wasn’t the most intelligent. He was the most insane, which made his crimes particularly brutal and hard to prevent at times, but the smartest had to be Crane, and there were others in Arkham whose minds out-thought that of his lover.

But, how smart was Bruce? He told the Joker what he thought, not in so many words, but he’d said it. The Joker had looked at him in amazement, as though he couldn’t believe it, but then he had shrugged and Bruce had made a joke about keeping the Joker on the loose so he could get him some clown ass when he needed it and thought they were over it.

Apparently not.

“You’re being...”

“Don’t say I’m being ridiculous!! I heard you the first time!!” the Joker screamed and the Bat blinked. The Joker’s moods were so mercurial sometimes.  Even for him.

“Okay. So what do you want? You want me to say I’m sorry? I’m sorry. Now can you please stop this?” Batman asked quietly.

Always so polite; the Joker hated that sometimes. Mr. Prim and Proper.

“I want you to go!” The Joker said angrily, as mad as he was, he didn’t want to risk hurting his lover.

“I can’t do that, and you know it. Now stop...” Batman told him, his tone soft. For a moment, the Joker wavered...he loved it when Bruce spoke to him like that...

Then his mood switched back. “No. And if you won’t leave. I’ll just have to take you with me.”

The Batman shook his head. “And how are you planning...”

He paused and began to back up. The Joker released the gas bomb he had in his hand, putting a ventilator on quickly. The Batman took one step, two, then he was on the ground. The Joker put his cowl back on and then had his henchman pick the Batman up and take him out the back door.

The world was foggy and loud when the Batman woke up. He was tied to a chair and he blinked, then blinked again. He was in front of a large window at Wayne Enterprises. He was in his office, tied to his own chair. Bastard.

He tried his bonds and shook his head, this was going to take  awhile.  There was a click and the computer screen behind him clicked on. He turned his chair, using his feet and wasn’t surprised at the clown face looking back at him.

“Good, you’re awake. Now we can start. I didn’t want you to sleep through it.”

“What are you doing?”

“Making a thought I was dumb. Just a dumb criminal...and I’m going to show you how wrong you are...” the Joker smiled evilly and Batman knew this wasn’t a game anymore.

“Stop...” he warned him.


The Joker held up a button and pressed it.  Batman whirled in his chair and the world outside lit up, blinding him as the MCU building blew up. “There goes your little signal...” the Joker was saying behind him. “And I’ve never liked your penthouse...the manor is so much nicer.” And that building blew up too. “The mayor is too....pretty looking...I think he wears make-up...” the Joker giggled and City Hall’s detonation shook Wayne Enterprises.  “The courthouse...” another detonation, “The bridges...” another, “The docks...” it went on and on. By the time he was finished, Gotham was cut off, and in flames.

Batman stared in horror, unable to believe his eyes. What had he done?

“Now, you’ll notice I left Wayne Manor and Wayne Enterprises alone. I hope you appreciate that...” the Joker told him.

“You’re insane...” Batman whispered. “I can’t believe you  did this...there was no reason for any of this. All those are ignorant...killing like an animal...”

The Joker sighed and then paused and shrugged. “Maybe you were right...maybe I am just like a dumb animal...” he sat for a moment in thought then sighed. “All that dynamite. What a waste.”

He looked in the screen. “Hmm. I was going to come and untie you myself, but you’re probably mad, aren’t you?” He asked pensively.

The Batman just stared at him in shock and the Joker nodded. “Yeah, you’re mad. I’ll send someone else. See you soon...”

And the screen went blank as devastated the Batman turned and watched his city burn.

rating: pg, fanfic, secret santa 2008 fic, one-shot fic, author: nikki6

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