Sep 02, 2005 23:55
ok so im guessing you all are expecting me to write down alllll about school. well, nah, ill pass on that, im way too lazy. all i can say is that my teachers are pretty cool, except Loyer-shes way to peppy and flakey. h english will be the only hard class.
i hate playing tennis for kearsley now. the coach is a jerk and no one can stand him, i wish i were on JV again just to have woollllly, even though everyone hated her, she was such a pushover and you could do anything.
i just watched "diary of a black woman" and oh my goodness that was a terrible movie. it was so stupid and not even as funny as people tell me.
lets seee...since ive updated last...i think ive had 3 matches. lost all 3, but played lapeer east, powers, and carmen. but i played doubles 1 w/ ashlee for lapeer east, we won the pro set thing, but i learned that doubles suck, and i dont get how people can stand it. singles w/ powers- that girl had amazingly good serves, but that was her only reallll strong point. it was a good match other than when she served. ahha. doubles w/ alyssa for carmen- we make a good pair for it- she plays net, me on base line. good stuff. but still..I HATE YOU COACH MILLER. haha
we have another can drive sunday. blahhhh.
and homecoming is in a couple weeks. YAY!!! i love the game. but boooo to the dance. i probably wont be attending once again
alright, later everyone
this turned out longer than i wanted, hope you enjoyed anyway