I got soul but im not a soldier

Aug 13, 2005 23:44

Don't you know
They're talkin' bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Don't you know
They're talkin' about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper

so ive been thinking about Pastor Dale being fired. and actually, that really hurts. i mean, he was so awesome, and i loved going to church with him there. so many people looked up to him, but he just didnt believe in what he preached i guess, and its horrible that he did that, and just ruined everything right there. he had so much planned and the church was everything going awesome, almost flawless. but ive pretty much lost all interest in church now, i dont want to deal with the people fighting and all the candidates for getting a new pastor, and all that garbage that goes on that you wouldnt expect real christians to do. well i guess thats all ive got to say... i guess you dont realize how wonderful it is to have these kinds of people in your life until they mess up and are gone


The St. Louis Symphony was playing Beethoven's Ninth one night. One bass player said to the other: ''We don't have much to do. Let's go next door for a few drinks.'' They stayed for a while and got a little tipsy. One said to the other: ''To give us more time, I tied the pages of the music together so the conductor will have to untie it when he gets near the end.''
They staggered back into the auditorium just in time for the finish. The next day when someone asked their friend how the concert was they replied: ''The most exciting part was at the end of the Ninth when the score was tied and the bassists were loaded.''

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