Title: Wet
Genre: Romance/PWP
Pairing: Superbats
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Batman is woken up in the middle of the night by an embarrassed (but hot) Superman, because, well, Clark’s having a little problem with the aftermath of their…nightly activities. But it’s nothing the Goddamn Batman can’t fix. Shameless PWP. Slash.
Written for my
Superbats Smut Table prompt #67 Slick, Wet. Hard NC-17 rating. Sort of a companion to
Submission, but not really.
Bruce came awake suddenly, years of experience telling him that something was wrong.
'What is it, Clark?' he asked, the dim glow of the red sun lamp just bright enough to show him that the blurry shape hunched over by the nightstand was none other than a very naked Superman.)