fairchaosUniverse: Post TDK
Pairing: Batman/Joker, implied Joker/Rachel, Bruce/Rachel, Joker/Harley Quinn
Rating: NC-17
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Arkham, lipstick, stories, rules... Batman hears things he doesn't really like about the Joker's treatment in Arkham... and decides to pay him a visit.
Review: The fic is beautifully written and both the Joker and Batman are wonderfully portrayed. I often find smut with that pairing a little too precipitated and, well, utterly unrealistic when it comes to Batman wanting to do the Joker. Fairchaos does an amazing job at making things believable. I think that’s about it… Oh, yeah, the sex is hot.
That's EmbarrassingAuthor:
semi_subtleUniverse: TDK
Pairing: one-sided Joker/Batman
Rating: PG-13
Length: Oneshot
Summary: After taking responsibility for Dent's actions, Bruce visits the Joker, though he probably shouldn't get too close.
Review: This fic offers a nice change from the now often seen ‘Batman visits Joker and sex ensues!’ …The Joker’s dialogues are great and Batman’s reactions do not clash at all with the character’s personality. This ficlet could very well be a scene taken right out of the movie, so to speak.