May 17, 2011 21:21
i didn't make this, screenshots, i like how there's already a tag for thi, goddamn batman, i see no lulz here, what the fuck, omg i can't believe it, what are they doing, that's what she said, wot the shit, holy sardines, i'm the goddamn batman, slow nights, a challenger appears, crack, win, seriously wtf, now there's a comm, all the crazy characters but not rachel, this stuff probably doesn't even exist a, i don't know what we're yelling about, !bam!, i'm not that stupid, i'd hit it, so what, not mine, i immediately regret this decision, so fuck you reese, what have i done, shun the none believers shuuuuunnnnn, what is this tag?, ???, photoshop fun, ffffffffffff, gordon had sad eyes, i want now, lawl, creep weirdo what are you doing here, what the fuck is it, i can lick my elbow, like what the fuck?, obsession on a new level, smoking doobies with my brothers, where's chris hansen when you need him?, pictures, spoof, shit was so cash, what's up batbro, not cool, house party at arkham asylum, holy perplexity, where they at, wtf, what is it, peek