Oct 30, 2004 00:32
i encourage all of you to vote pfaff/minderman on nov. 2. not only will we bike to washington, we'll poop on the whitehouse grass. isn't that all you've ever wanted out of the pres and vp? while all we stand for is bullshit, lies, and vomitting after a good night of binge drinking...more so with the pfaff part of that ticket...we also support gays pooping on the lawns of straight people. we also support handicapped kids teaching adults how to think analytically. yes, we think that handicapped kids need to teach adults (or retards) how to think. we also think that prostitution should be legalized on one account only...
This is the only case in which we think prostitution should be legal. Our platform also consists of universal health care. In our plan, we will allow all old people to starve to death so they won't cause traffic jams on busy highways, interstates, and residential streets. We fucking hate old people driving!
When it comes to homeland security, Minderman has real answers. When confronted with the problem of homeland security, Minderman suggested we all move to Sweden. Pfaff/Minderman fully supports leaving the U.S. and joining forces with European nations such as Uganda. We also feel that borders need to be secure. We suggest setting up free taco stands at borders so mexicans won't get passed the stands. god forbid having people who work their asses off for 5.15/hr and never complain. holy shit, man! They might force lazy americans to work harder and earn their jobs!?! jesus christ, we were wrong. I think we should have arms within those taco stands and we should mow them down. they ain't no amer-i-can's!
So please, this nov. 2, don't vote for john kerry/john edwards! what are they going to do...get legislation passed and receive many bj's from interns? vote pfaff/minderman. Nick will poop on your lawn, you homophobe! I'll protect your way of life...obese, miserable, and closed-minded!
this message was paid for by the "Osama Ain't No Thang!" organization