everythings bad...

Jun 06, 2005 13:03

well i havent updated in awhile because,
i wanted to update something good... but
nothing is going good... instead i've just
messed everything up or made it worse...
nothing right now seems as good as its suppose
to be... i feel like i'v lost my best friend
even though we were never really friends...
there was just so much between us... everything
was perfect nothing could make it go wrong...
and then i messed it up... i prolly turned
everything around and not in a good way... i
wish i new wut wuz going to happen, but right now
i have no freaking clue... i'm hurting, and right
now the only thing i'm scared, can actually
happen... yah moving on... not me... i'm still
here, and now it seems like i'm left alone... i
hope it isnt so, but i think i'm the cause of
everything going wrong in her life... i just
fuck everything up, and now i've dug a whole so
deep i dont think i can get out of it... maybe this
is it, done, over, no chance of reviving... or maybe this is just something that we have to get through and once we get through it everything will
be like it used to be or even better... i dont know... well w/e is gonna happen i just hope she's
happy with it... l8rz...
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