Wildlife Photography!

Jul 29, 2008 14:25

Today I tried to take some pictures of birds. I laid out some seed, sat in my backyard and waited. I didn’t get any shots at the time of this writing. I am hopeful though I will be able to take some pictures of the numerous finches that seem to be living in the pine tree in my back yard. I have noticed a rather high amount of the playful little birds around my house. They bathe in the little pools of water that are in my gutters or in my backyard. They also seem to like playing in little dirt holes. I might go to the park and take pictures of the birds there or other animals. Take a look in your backyard sometime or go somewhere where there are no people around with the exception of yourself and sit down. You will notice after a while, many different types of animals will come out of hiding or will fly out to hunt for food or socialize. It is a fun thing to do. When I watch the birds, I think about how life was millions of years ago. Dinosaurs must have acted like birds today except on a massive scale. Running from place to place, traveling in herds, etc. etc. it is fun to pretend the birds I am watching are dinosaurs!
Far too often, as we age, we stop looking at life around us. We tend to forget we are part of a massive system which sustains us. There is so much around us; it is amazing to think about all the processes which needed to happen in order for those things to be around us. Give it a shot sometime.
The Earth is amazing place. The more I think about it, there are many ways we can use our technology to help make our Earth a better place for humans and animals to live. I think it is possible given our species industrious nature to create better technology that will allow a great amount of environment autonomy and mastery over our dominion. It is not logical for us to rely solely on resources which are incredibly finite and inherently destructive to our quality of life in long term projections of where we as a species would like to be. Would we like to be slaves to finite resources? I would like to think not. We can be, given our technological prowess, independent. It is our rational faculties which will allow us to achieve this. This is why I am a transhumanist and technocrat. It is our scientific achievement which has always leaded to our species longevity. We have constantly modified our environment to suit our needs. Early Homo sapiens created fire, tools, clothes, shelters and a whole host of other things to aid in making living easier and better.
I don’t understand why people have a problem with the notion of genetic manipulation, nanotechnology (not just to be put in the body but to make super fabrics, metals and building materials), and a whole host of other emerging technologies. We rush to create atomic weapons (check out the nuclear test sites on Google Earth in America…scary!) and we rush to create all sorts of other really…non-beneficial things yet we hesitate to construct solar arrays and wind farms. People will get vaccinated or receive shots or take a wide array or drugs in order get better yet hesitate at the concept of fixing the root problem which is bad DNA. I think in time, the main components of transhumanism will come to pass because eventually, situations will arise where people will feel compelled to change their stance. An example of this is indeed vaccinations. When vaccines first arrived, some would not take them. Some people did not want to be modified in any way. Now, vaccinations are a part of everyday life. Surgery is part of everyday life and drugs are part of everyday life. Eventually, people will see the benefits of genetic medicine.
Many people fear what I consider the natural evolution of our species. Evolution, like in the finches in my back yard was witnessed by Darwin. For those of you who are having religious problems…God gave us dominion over our land and bodies. We rule them, control them and thus, have the God given right to modify them. If you truly believe God makes us “perfect” and we have no right to meddle with his creation…stop taking medicine. You have to stop drinking anything with caffeine or eating or drinking anything which modifies your body in any way if you truly believe this.
Research transhumanism, you might not agree with it all but please, recognize that even if I did get my wish to be genetically modified, wear clothes made of super fabrics and live in a home that is almost organic in nature…I will not forget nor ignore this beautiful blue marble of a world around me. I will seek to live in harmony and partnership with the world and not be a complete reliant parasite to it. Stay frosty and live long and prosper.
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