May 09, 2006 14:39
It has been forever since I last updated! Alright, it has been nearly a month but who cares? I noticed when re-reading my entries about a week ago that I talk a lot about Halo and Xbox. Well, E3 is this week and I am waiting to hear about Halo 3, today might be the day I get word on it! So...yay? or Yay! It all depends on what happens today.
Last week, Lizzie and I went to see Taking Back Sunday! The concert was a lot of fun. As usual, stupid people made the night interesting because they had no concept of a barrier wall which seperates people from the brawling of the pit and the nice barside towards the back. Lizzie got some good pics of the band and earlier in the day she got her shirt signed by the band at Newbury Comics. Before we got to the concert, we walked by Fenway park. I must say, having never been to a baseball game before and having never been to Fenway before a game, it was a lot of fun. People trying to sell tickets made Lizzie go crazy because she wanted to go to the game but at the same time wanted to go to the concert. After the concert we went to Coolidge Corner. We went there on Saturday too and had some crepes. All in all, a fine weekend I must say.
So, lately I've been watching a lot of reality tv. I don't know why I am doing this. I suffer enough watching the news, now I am suffering watching reality tv. Seriously though, I think it is funny in a sad way that middle america is watching on tv people who have gobs and gobs of money. Middle america isn't even pissed about it! They just lap it up and love it. When a 15 year old girl has a sweet 16 birthday party that is in excess of 500,000 dollars...doesn't that make you want to scream? 500,000 dollars is a lot of money! That could feed a lot of people, that is more money than some will make within the next 10 years! It is a shame that the parents of these moronic brats spend such an insane amount of money on some girl who has no idea what the hell is going on in the world. If I had that kinda cashflow, I wouldn'y be wasting it on dancers, big parties and fancy cars for someone who whines and cries about stupid things. Maybe I am a bit bitter or jealous? Nah. I just think if you have crazy money you should do some good with it instead of wasting it. Sure, splurge from time to time. Get a nice house, a nice car, hell...throw a crazy party but do you honestly need to spend half a million dollars? What do you even spend that money on? I can't fathom. I think 100,000 tops would be uhh...I guess acceptable?
On the subject of reality are any of these people real?!?! I don't live on an island trying to survive from day to day, I'm not a rock star, I'm not a super model or sitcom hasbin. I'm none of anything that is shown on a reality tv. The best reality tv show is Intervention and Cops! That is real! Crackheads and whino's! I can walk just a flew blocks from my house and see that.
Still, I think "reality" is interesting and yeah...I'll still watch it and because of it there will probably be more shows like it but I still feel some kind of rage about it. I would like to see some more good sci-fi on tv like Battlestar Galactica and better tv dramas that are not CSI spinoffs or wannabe ER's.
When you think about it, tv has gotten horrible and great at the same time. We have cool shows like Battlestar, Webjunk, and whatever is on the history channel but we also have shows like "blogs online!" and Ed,Edd, and Eddy. Uhh...what? Soon I will be able to make my own channels because of on demand though and things will improve greatly.
I don't know where I am going with this "tv rocks and sucks at the same time" line of thought but hey...go watch some TV and stop reading this. Stay frosty everyone. Being silly is fun.