Gossip! Season finale of the Hills was last night on MTV. I can't believe Lauren chose to stay in LA with Jason over going to Paris for an awesome internship! Ugh, silly girl. I can understand why she stayed, but I would've been on that plane to Paris faster than you could say allez! If things were meant to workout with guy X, he would've encouraged me to go and been there waiting for me when I got back to the states.
So yes, I like to watch that silly show. It's my shallow guilty pleasure. But just like my girlfriends live vicariously through me and my adventures in life *wink*, I live vicariously through the characters on that show and Laguna Beach. And I'm going there soon! I should rent the seasons and write down the names of the places they go so I can go there too. Squee!
And for some light afternoon reading,
an interesting rant on sex before marriage. I can't believe it's 5 already.