Jun 21, 2006 11:43
Oh don't you wish you lived with me. That way you could enjoy some of the delicious dishes I make. Heidi, going on this diet thing with you is probably one of the best things I could've done for myself. It has reminded me how much I LOVE to cook! My meals these past few days have been stellar. For example, last night for dinner I had lemon rosemary salmon, green beans (not all that fancy) and then Mocha Ricotta Creme for dessert. It was so amazing! And for breakfast today I had a spinach, mushroom and ricotta crepe. Granted I have a million dishes to do now, I even ran the dishwasher last night, but cooking is so rewarding. I wonder what sort of goody I will come up with for tonight! I just really want some fruit juice.
I'm driving the hot car for the next two weeks. David is driving up to TN next week and my car gets better gas mileage. As soon as I can get down which clicker does what on the remote and where all the buttons are, I think I should be good to go. I've already mastered driving a stick shift in a skirt, heels, in the rain and while talking on the phone. I can do anything!
And although its only Wednesday, I've already had a very full week so far. My typical work day goes like this: I get to the office fairly early (between 8:45 and 9, that's early for us!), I take care of a few house keeping things and do the projects Clare sent me over night. I'm finished with that by 10, 11 at the latest. I sit around browsing the web and talking to my friend Brandon on AIM for the rest of the afternoon, we're both mostly bored at our respective jobs. We have some good times. Then 3 or 4 rolls around and all hell breaks loose. Just when I think that I'm going to get to skip out of the office early, I'm hit with 12 projects that need to be reviewed by close of business so we can send them off to the client. I end up leaving the office between 6 and 7, go home and crash!
I'm totally bummed that the Mavs lost last night. The Rangers lost too. I was flipping back and forth between the end of both games. I couldn't watch the last 2 min of the Mavs game, it was just too painful. We'll get 'em next time boys!!