evberytinm i sxtic,dy nm i nmt nm t t dl.l.l.l.l.l.l.

Mar 20, 2005 15:54


Sup internet, I'm on my laptop. So basically, what happened is this: since I'm practically MADE of brains, I decided to drink a glass of orange juice at my desk this morning. Somehow the glass EXPLODED IN MY HAND (yeah, I don't know, I guess it's because I am BATMAN) and orange juice went ALL OVER my room (I mean, it doesn't matter how much I clean it up, I find more later, SOMEWHERE illogical). There was barely an inch of OJ left in my glass, HOW DID IT SPREAD OUT SO MUCH? Anyway, I totally ruined my keyboard so pretty much every time I turn on my computer it starts beeping frantically and then restarts. Oops. Today is one of those days where if you run out of stuff to do wrong (like stabbing yourself in the face while trying to pin a shirt for alterations, for example. ouch.) then you'll just stub your toe on something. I'm a little scared to leave my house.
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